I have a single-board computer, I want to knows whats going on when it boot up and start up because i never get access to its BIOS, can I log the events/activities happening on the board when it get started?
the logging im trying to achieve is for instances, Java/C#/Python program we can have a system log to monitor whenever it get started, from initializing system components/classes/objects, to API/functions/Server started, we can have the entire program starting process knowing.
I want to achieve this kind of logging monitor to my single-board computer, is it possible? For example our computer, we know it boot up from BIOS, Operating System, our startup processes, but don't know the event what is actually going on, how much RAM space did operating system allocating when boot up? how CPU processing all these boot up procedures?
similar to these, can we have the logging? how to log the entire procedure?
my question are also bring in a thought of how hardware engineer knowing their component works properly, after input/install firmware?
What i want to achieve is similar to Android Device logcat, logging every events from system boot up
I'm using Antminer L3_IO_Board_V1.2