I have setup an EC2 to use the time sync and want to use it as an 'NTP' server. I have setup the security group to allow all traffic in on 80,443, and 123 for now to test the configuration. It's in a public subnet with an elastic IP. There is also a route53 record. How can I configure external servers to point\or the route53 record to sync the time? Is this even possible?

I tried with my Mac to sync time by pointing to the elastic IP\route53 record without success.

Any help will be greatly appreciated! Thanks, Hau

Hau Vong
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  • What’s the reason for not using a public NTP server like `pool.ntp.org`? – MLu Mar 05 '20 at 19:17
  • Have you confirmed allowing port 123/udp? NTP does not use 123/tcp. – John Mahowald Mar 05 '20 at 21:06
  • I can definitely use NTP but since I'm on AWS and they have a service, https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/keeping-time-with-amazon-time-sync-service/, I was wondering if anyone has attempted or is currently using it as a time service like NTP....UDP port 123 is open. – Hau Vong Mar 09 '20 at 18:21

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