We use an authentication process for AWS whereby you authenticate, do an MFA step, and are then granted credentials that are valid for an hour. Usually these are then put in ~/.aws/credentials. However, when doing long running awscli operations such as copying a large file via aws s3 cp ..., the credentials expire and the command does not complete successfully.

We have tried re-running the command to re-authenticate and thus repopulate ~/.aws/credentials however the in-progress command does not "see" this and still fails when the original credentials expire.

How is this supposed to be handled?

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1 Answers1


You've got a couple of options...

Longer session duration

You can set the maximum session duration to up to 12 hours - that may be enough for your long running tasks.

credentials validity

Not sure how you're obtaining your temporary credentials, you may have to set the session duration there to 12 hours as well as some tools request tokens valid for to 1 hour by default.

Also check out get-credentials script that may facilitate your workflow. Maybe, I don't know what exactly are you doing now, however writing temporary creds to ~/.aws/credentials is usually not the best practice.

Copy to EC2 first

If you can’t increase the max duration setting you may be able to work around the limitation by:

  1. first copying the data to an EC2 instance, e.g. using rsync.

  2. then from EC2 upload to S3, taking advantage of the instance EC2 Instance Role that automatically renews. Besides copying from EC2 to S3 may be faster.

Use EC2 credentials locally

You can also "steal" the EC2 role credentials and use it locally. Check out this get-instance-credentials script.

[ec2-user@ip-... ~] ./get-instance-credentials
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="bzkNi/9YV...FDzzd0"
export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEKf....PUtXw=="

These creds are usually good for 6 hours.

Now copy and past those lines to your local non-EC2 machine.

user@server ~ $ export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="ASIA5G7...R3KG5"
user@server ~ $ export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="bzkNi/9YV...FDzzd0"
user@server ~ $ export AWS_SESSION_TOKEN="IQoJb3JpZ2luX2VjEKf....PUtXw=="

And verify that the credentials work:

user@server ~ $ aws sts get-caller-identity
    "UserId": "AROAIA...DNG:i-abcde123456",
    "Account": "987654321098",
    "Arn": "arn:aws:sts::987654321098:assumed-role/EC2-Role/i-abcde123456"

As you can see you local non-EC2 server now has the same privileges as the EC2 instance from where you retrieved the credentials.

Use aws CLI to multipart-upload the file

You can split your large file to smaller chunks (see split man page) and use aws s3api multipart-upload sub-commands. See aws s3api create-multipart-upload, complete-multipart-upload and part-upload. You can refresh the credentials between each part and retry the failed parts if your credentials expire half-way through.

Create a custom script

You can use the briliant boto3 Python AWS SDK library to build your own file uploader. It should be very simple to write a little multipart-uploader that will request new credentials every time they expire, including asking for the MFA.

As you can see you've got many options.

Hope that helps :)

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  • We do not have permission to change that duration - it is set that way as policy. I’ll look into the get-credentials script to see what that offers – Friedrich 'Fred' Clausen Mar 05 '20 at 10:00
  • @FredClausen ask your cloud ops team to increase the max time limit for you. Without that you can’t really get longer validity tokens. – MLu Mar 05 '20 at 11:20
  • They will not increase the timeout (we’ve asked) so I need to find a way to have the running client, awscli in this case, request fresh creds before the current ones expire. – Friedrich 'Fred' Clausen Mar 05 '20 at 11:22
  • @FredClausen updated the answer with a possible workaround. Would that work? – MLu Mar 05 '20 at 11:30
  • Thanks for all your suggestions; I'll see if the EC2 approach is workable. I've also been thinking of splitting the large file into chunks that can be uploaded in an hour and then doing it piece by piece although that's tedious with manual cred renewal. – Friedrich 'Fred' Clausen Mar 05 '20 at 22:03
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    @FredClausen added few more options on how to tackle this problem. Hope some of it will help :) – MLu Mar 05 '20 at 23:51