I have a column based .txt file and I want to grep output the Common Name, having a little trouble.

V   300223164711Z       01  unknown /C=UK/O=LMG/OU=server/CN=server/name=server/emailAddress=support@kam.org
V   300223170002Z       02  unknown /C=UK/O=LMF/OU=server/CN=test/name=server/emailAddress=support@kam.org
V   300223170935Z       03  unknown /C=UK/O=risk/OU=server/CN=risk/name=server/emailAddress=support@kam.org

My current grep output does the following:

tail -n +2 index.txt | grep "^V" | cut -d '/' -f 5 | nl -s ') '
     1) CN=test
     2) CN=risk

I only want the name to be the output, 'test' or 'risk'. What would be the simplest way to achieve this?

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2 Answers2


In awk you can do it on this way (assuming the place of CN is always the same:

awk -F\/ '$5~"test"|| $5~"risk" {gsub("CN=","",$5);print $5}'

To add the number of the line where you find a CN records you can use code like this:

awk -F\/ '$5~"test"|| $5~"risk" {gsub("CN=","",$5);print NR") "$5 }'
Romeo Ninov
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sed should be one of your friends

echo CN=test | sed -e 's/CN=//'
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