I have a kubernetes cluster running w/ 4 nodes, my main master node plus for other nodes. I used kubespray to get everything running. This is on my home network, which I will explain down bellow. What I am trying to accomplish is to get some sort of DNS resolution working so I can proceed to setup ingress.
My Setup:
- Network - Unifi setup with USG, Cloud Key, and a switch. DHCP DNS points to the Master box's internal IP plus and, with the default search domain set to one of my personal domains (mydomain.com is used as an example)
- Master: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS running DNS (Bind9) plus serves as master for the Kubernetes cluster. He resolves internally as server.mydomain.com
- Nodes 1-3: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS serving only as Kubernetes hosts. The resolve internally as nodeX.mydomain.com, where X is the node number 1-3
I am guessing that I somehow need to tell the DNS server running on my master that anything XXX.server.mydomain.com. At least, that how I picture it should work? I am not sure, maybe I am misunderstanding it.
The thing is, even if I try to nslookup the services manually, it still doesn't seem to work. I tried something like:
> nslookup nzbget.server.mydomain.com
** server can't find nzbget.server.mydomain.com: NXDOMAIN
as well as
> nslookup nzbget
** server can't find nzbget.mydomain.com: REFUSED
With being the IP of the CoreDNS service IP in the cluster.
I know this is just me not knowing what I am doing, but I don't even know enough to google the right things at this point. Thanks for any guidance you can offer.