Alex Cohn


20 years' experience as an application and system programmer, architect and technical lead of software projects. Skillful in individual work, team and cross-team cooperation, meeting tight schedules and carrying out challenging development tasks.

  • C, C++ (especially Android NDK), STL, multi-threading
  • also Java, Kotlin, Python, Objective-C, JavaScript.
  • Portable Software Solutions: Android, iOS, Windows, Linux.
  • Mobile app security: pen testing (Frida), reverse engineering (smali).
  • Image and Video Processing, AR: ffmpeg, OpenCV, TensorFlow, TFLite.
  • Video communication: streaming, WebRTC, VOIP.
  • Application Development: usability, attention to detail.
  • Localization and Globalization, including bi-directional language issues.
  • Software Craftsmanship: agile development, community support.