

I'm Dai, I'm currently a software engineer in Seattle doing the rounds on a variety of startups. I'm mostly familiar with the .NET stack.

(Just don't call me a "full-stack" engineer - there's more to software than a "back-end" vs. "front-end" dichotomy: think about embedded and robotics, industrial control, avionics, systems programming with Rust, and so on!)

Prior to the startup scene I was gainfully employed at Microsoft as a Software Engineer for the Chakra JavaScript engine (Edge and Internet Explorer), prior to that I worked on Expression Blend and Visual Studio.

I like to think I have extensive experience in C# and the .NET Framework, and modest experience in C++. Prior to Microsoft I worked on web-applications and web-services using ASP.NET Web Forms, ASP.NET MVC, and WCF. I also have experience in PHP, Java and other non-Microsoft platforms and technologies for which I'm happy to answer questions about.


  • Everything is terrible.
  • Life is short and love is always over in the morning.