
President and CTO of Indigo Health, Inc ( Our product (to be launched soon) provides a range of services to mental health professionals, including patient on-boarding (including e-signatures on all legal forms and form archival and retrieval - no more filing cabinet full of paper forms!), patient evaluation and tracking, and clinical decision support).

Prior to AI PsychLab, spent 31 happy years building real-time airplane simulations at McDonnell Douglas/Boeing. Specialized in simulation architecture and distributed (multi-PC, multi-process) real-time architecture. Real-time models were entirely native code (C++, FORTRAN, Ada) that communicated with the real-time scheduling and data sharing claptrap via native libraries written in C++/CLI. Tools, user interfaces, and some "soft" real-time components were all written in .NET (using WinForms and Remoting - none of this newfangled WCF and WPF stuff ;-).