

You should take JSLint's advice. ;^) You should also use a Markdown editor for pros. And you could peruse the blog.

You're welcome to take any code snippet I've sole-source posted on and consider it to be dual-licensed under the MIT license as found at that URL on May 28, 2015 for you, and as a rights reserved copyrighted source when I use it in other projects.

For those snippets, if you want to attribute, that's great. Just know that you're using them at your own risk.

I'm now going to plug...

  • TagifyJS, a zero-dependency, single-file, JavaScript tag widget library
  • My Twitter handle, because everyone else is doing it: @r_ffin
  • My fave Skeet comment.
  • How to jslint on localhost
  • My favorite [personal] project, though [hopefully] far from my best code, SQLDbSharp, a YesSQL database engine pitifully kludged together using C#