

I'm 28 years old and I started working as a developer as soon as I graduated ORT high-school technical course of studies. I've been working in software development ever since and I have acquired experience with different kind of teams and projects. I've also worked with some clients on my own as a freelancer. Since the beginning of my tech career, I've wanted to grow as a software architect and I'm proud to say I have. I've mainly worked with .NET web technologies and been in charge of different projects, which led me to becoming the architect of a very large and complex product.

After getting my Systems Analyst degree I found a new passion in Information Security, so I studied an Information Security Master's degree at Universidad de Buenos Aires. Although I'm not sure I'd like to work directly at the Security area, I love applying that knowledge to development and I really think that's an underrated profile.

Besides being kind of a geek and a techie, I've trained Taekwon-do for a lot of years and I enjoy playing sports like handball, tennis and squash. I also like cooking and, of course, eating!