Program: C#, C++, C, php, SQL, Javascript, HTML/CSS/XML/XAML, Java, Python, VB.NET, VBA, Octave/Matlab, R, bash, Assembly
Use: Ubuntu, Windows 10, Docker, Visual Studio, Sublime Text, Office 2016, ROS, Blender, Gimp, Inkscape, VLC, Chrome, Notepad++, Azure, gnuplot, Edge Animate
Created: Planeteer (
Completed: Coursera (Deep Learning Specialization, Machine Learning, Computing for Data Analysis), Microsoft Certification (C# 5)
Graduated: Master of Science in Education, 2006
Work: KnowledgeCity(Programmer, Researcher, Data Analyst, Product Developer 2010-present)
Speak: English, Spanish
Visited: USA, Mexico, India, Canada, Guatemala, Belize
Mastered: Tae Kwon Do (black), Jujitsu (green)
Practice: Violin, guitar
Pluto: It's a primary planet of our Sol! We didn't need a committee to tell us it was smallest, we figured that out in Kindergarten. We don't care if there's other big rocks going around Sol.