

IT consultant/architect and senior software developer with over 25 years of professional experience building small and large software solutions. My tools of choice are usually C#/ASP.NET, PHP and MySQL, with a hint of RabbitMQ, React Native and so on. I have many years experience with Delphi as well, so with other technologies and systems that have come my way.

I have built web applications, banking systems, financial systems, telecom systems, internal business software, helpdesk and case management software, internet servers, and a host of other applications.

I am very concerned about about computer security, code stability and efficiency, and a certain elegance with user interfaces. I think code should look beautiful; if it's not, it's probably wrong. I care about coffee.

In my free time I take care of my family, fix my house, and write software and websites for churches.

When I tell people what I do, they usually ask me if I can fix their laptops.