Full Stack / Back End Web Developer Full Stack Developer, most experience with MVC, especially Rails and Laravel, and nodejs
Backend :
- PHP ( Laravel, FuelPHP, CodeIgniter, symfony)
- Ruby ( Rails, Sinatra, padrino )
- Python ( Django, Flask )
- Nodejs ( ExpressJs Socket .io, Sails )
- templating ( Haml, Blade, Razor, HTML5, CSS3)
- scripting ( JQuery, plainjs)
- SPA ( Reactjs and Vuejs, Typescript and ES6 )
- styling ( bootstrap, bulma, tailwindcss, less, sass, postcss )
- graphics design, and theme design
- SQL: MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL
- NoSQL : mongodb, graphql, firebase
- docker, kubernetes, git, svn, jenkins
- Wordpess, Joomla, Drupal, OpenCart, Magentoo, Shopfiy
can handle the full stack from the database to the front end