Dmitriy Gamolin


Having years of experience in web development as a freelancer (alone and working in small teams) I am now enjoying the work in a big software development company. It not only allows me to learn faster and share my knowledge with others, but also brings more interesting and complex projects to test my skills. I am very excited about learning new technologies and applying the best practices whether it is about the programming part or the way of working. I am enjoying working with Scrum methodology, delivering working solutions to customers as fast as possible.

I specialize in full-stack development, but currently I am more interested in the server-side solutions: good architecture, fast performance and data security. However, I work on both client and server side tasks on a daily basis and enjoy it. My main stack currently is: Node.js, Express, MongoDB, Typescript (+ES6) and Angular 7 (I have experience with previous versions too). I also have years of experience with PHP, "Vanilla" JS + jQuery, Wordpress (+Woocommerce), Apache, MySQL. Not to mention HTML and CSS/SCSS, of course. I like using tools that boost my productivity, such as Bootstrap, Webpack/Gulp, Git, Docker, JetBrains products.

I have experience as a co-founder and CEO of small online businesses that helps me seeing the products I build from the perspective of the business owners. After all the business processes and user experience are the most important things in any software. I am happy to not only bring top quality products to the clients, but also always keep an eye on ways of improvements.