Lawrence Dol


I have been writing code since I was 12 - I started with BASIC on a Commodore VIC-20. First computer I owned was a Sinclair ZX-81 on which I progressed to programming Z80 assembler by the time I was 13. I consider programming to be a lifetime learning experience.

Most of my professional experience has been programming in C and Java primarily in the networking and communications arena. More recently JavaScript for web and mobile applications enters into the mix. In the early professional years there was Pascal and COBOL and in the 90's a fair amount of iSeries CLP and some RPG. On the markup side of things I have had to learn a working knowledge of HTML, CSS and various dialects of XML, including SOAP (XML) web services.

My programming hobby activities are mostly in Java, but I enjoy dabbling with a variety of procedural, OOP and functional languages and the many hybrids thereof.

Of a personal nature, I am a committed Christian; I guess one would best describe me as "Evangelical", though it's tough to find a moniker that works well. I enjoy philosophical and scientific discussions and I am firmly convinced that real, practical Christianity engages the whole person, heart, mind and spirit. Christianity is a faith that involves reason and intellect, an aspect which has been neglected in the 20th century church: "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect. (Romans 12:1-3).