

I have been programming since 1988, a Java developer since 1997, and a Linux geek since 2003.

Professionally, I oversee the software development efforts of the Laboratory for Optical and Computational Instrumentation at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.

I maintain ImageJ, Fiji, SCIFIO, SciJava and other stuff. I also kickbox, and make Julienne Fries. See my CV.

Technologies I know and love: Java, shell scripting, Python, Perl, JavaScript, GNU/Linux, macOS, XML, HTML, CSS, Eclipse, vim, Maven, Git

Technologies I know less well but want to learn more about: HTML5, Node.js, Electron, Julia, Docker, Jupyter, Android

Technologies I use and often tolerate: C/C++, MATLAB

Obsolete technologies of which I am fond: QBasic, Pascal, Adobe Flex, Ant, Subversion, Mac OS Classic, MS-DOS and Windows ;-).