Juan Treminio


My name is Juan, I am a senior-level developer on the hunt for new projects.

I am a Texas-based, full stack developer - the complete stack. From helping you plan out your project from your ideas, to deploying the servers that'll house your project, to the front and backends, API integrations, deployment and automated testing process. I have over 20 years of programming experience and 6 years of working almost exclusively with startups and small businesses.


  • I created and maintain the popular tool PuPHPet, a tool that helps you create fully customized servers either locally or remotely.
  • Puppet
  • Virtual machine creation and maintenance
  • Experience with Digital Ocean, Rackspace, Linode, AWS
  • Ubuntu, Debian, CentOS and some RHEL
  • Apache, Nginx


  • Serious PHP experience
  • Third party API integration
  • API design and creation
  • Distributed systems
  • MySQL master/slave setups


  • Bootstrap integration
  • Completely responsive websites
  • Javascript (not an expert but can implement most libraries and create simple to moderate code)
  • HTML5/CSS3

My PuPHPet tool has been used to create over 4.4 million servers (and counting!) all over the world since I started keeping track, a year after project was first created. With it you can create customized servers and install a wide range of software.

My PHP knowledge has been used on everything from small CLI tools to HIPAA-compliant, security/privacy-focused healthcare projects used by hundreds of thousands of patients and clinicians. I have created extremely stable and robust long-running daemons, queue processors with Beanstalkd integration.

For my latest project I created a scalable, high-availability private network within Digital Ocean. I implemented HAProxy, keepalived, tinc (VPN to replace Digital Ocean's gimped private networking feature), and managed a node.js and MongoDB replica cluster.

I have experience integrating APIs such as Twilio, MailChimp/Mandrill, PayPal, Authorize.net, BeQuick and many more. I can either use an existing SDK or create my own from scratch.

I can setup continuous integration/build servers using either JetBrains' TeamCity (my favorite), Atlassian's Bamboo and Jenkins.

With these I can create a completely automated deployment process that includes running tests prior to deploying.

My unit testing tutorials are #2 on Google (direct link), second only to the official PHPUnit documentation. My unit testing tutorial series has been viewed hundreds of thousands of times and I have received very positive feedback from developers who have learned from it. It goes without saying that my code is fully unit tested, and I can implement both integration and behavioral (UI) testing as well.