Questions tagged [wifite]

For questions regarding the Wifite penetration testing tool.

Wifite is a penetration testing tool for WiFi networks. For questions regarding WiFi networks, please use the tag.

4 questions
1 answer

Get Device names of surrounding WIFI devices without authentication

I am looking to get a list of devices which are in range of my Wifi antenne (monitor mode). For example: "Tom's Iphone" I can get the MAC's of these devices, but is it possible to get the name of these devices without them actually connect to my…
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1 answer

No clients appearing when using wireless attacking tools in Kali Linux

I'm new to Ethical Hacking so please bear with me. What I'm trying to do currently is to crack the password of my personal router using aircrack, wifite and fern wifi cracker. However, I observed in all three that i am not getting any mac addresses…
Henry Boco
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2 answers

Are Wi-Fi scanning programs reliable?

Recently, I scanned some Wi-Fi networks with wifite tool in Kali. This tool said that one of the available Wi-Fi networks is secured with WPA2. Ten minutes later, I scanned these Wi-Fi networks again. In this scan, wifite said the same network is…
1 answer

Aireplay handshakes, were working now has an error

I'm trying to learn to do pen testing and wifi cracking. I had captured handshakes and begun cracking the handshake a day ago, with the password not being in my dictionary list. When trying with a new list I received this error. Invalid packet…
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