Questions tagged [webrtc]

Web Real-Time Communication is an API definition drafted by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) created for browser-to-browser communication enabling audio, video and filesharing built directly into the browser.

36 questions
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SimpleWebRTC Server Side Authentication for Room Access

I am trying to do some sort of server side authentication to allow only specific clients to join a SimpleWebRTC Room. Right now, any client that goes to the SimpleWebRTC "demo" page can join the room. Here is an example of my setup: ______________ …
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How can MITM be performed in WebRTC?

From what I could tell, certificates are self-signed. When A wants to call B, after they finish relaying data to server, they initiate communication with each other. Certificates are self-signed, therefore there is no problem in switching them up.…
ben f
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Unexpected/unwanted/unknown participant joined WebRTC session

While running the simpleWebRTC example Step8 of the WebRTC codelab tutorial on my local computer (in my own home private network), when someone (that I don't know) joined in (video + audio) (???) I am wondering how could this have…
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Am I exposed to WebRTC leaks if my IP resulting from WebRTC is the IP of my VPN server with the last digit augmented by one?

I am connecting to the website of ExpressVPN that checks for WebRTC IP leaks. My IP as resulting from that website is the same IP of the VPN server I am connected to but with the last digit augmented by 1. That is, if IP address of my VPN server…
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What, if anything, are the consequences of temporarily enabling and then disabling WebRTC in Firefox?

For security and privacy purposes, it's best to keep WebRTC disabled if you aren't using it. Firefox makes this easy by simply setting media.peerconnection.enabled to false. Due to COVID-19, the use of teleconferencing has increased dramatically,…
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Is the SDP a=crypto attribute relevant when DTLS-SRTP is used?

The a=crypto attribute in RFC 4568 has a separate section 9.2. for SRTP "Crypto" Attribute Grammar. What it basically includes is a list of attribute values required for encrypting media (crypto suite, method, session params, keys,…
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Is public and local IP addresses of computer behind NAT a sensitive information?

So I'm playing with WebRTC and I've found that you can get public IP and local IP of other computer. Here is my code that show IP (the code is used to transfer the files between computers but it also…
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Fooling live-video authentication

I don't know if this is a good site to ask this question but it's the best fit I've found so far. I've started signing up to cryptocurrency exchanges. Many of them require users to send digital copies of two pieces of ID, one of which must be a…
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Android apps, does WebRTC IP-leak affect other apps than browsers (like youtube etc)

Does it matter if you're using a VPN do hide your ip on an Android phone when you use apps like youtube, facebook, or third party open source apps like NewPipe (youtube) or "Tinfoil for Twitter" or "Tinfoil for Facebook"? Will WebRTC give away my ip…
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How is webrtc leaking IPs from behind a protocol agnostic, full VPN?

I am using the sshuttle VPN. It's NOT a browser plug-in or a simple proxy - it is a protocol agnostic, full VPN that sends all traffic out of any host you can ssh login to. It creates a bridge0 interface with pfctl and sends all traffic through…
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Is WebRTC safe for connecting random clients to each other?

I am trying to implement a chatroulette-sque app, and WebRTC seems to be the best choice as far implementing something that doesn't take a vast amount of server resources. My current scheme is to create a WebSocket connection to my server to be able…
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How does WebRTC bypass a VPN Tunnel

While reading about WebRTC I was wondering how exactly the default route through an established VPN tunnel is being bypassed. If I'm not mistaken the VPN tunnel is normally represented in the system by a virtual network adapter to which the default…
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Does Google Meet leak my IP?

My friend asked me if it possible to get somebody's IP from Google Meet just by being in the same meeting. He found a video that says it is possible. But when I read about webRTC and STUN servers, I got conflicting information. One side told that…
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Is WireGuard fixed IP address obtainable by LAN clients if VPN is running on the router? WebRTC/STUN risk?

WireGuard does not assign dynamic IP addresses, which may be a privacy risk. It is known that while WireGuard may offer advantages in terms of performance, by design it is not ideal for privacy, because it doesn't allocate VPN IP Addresses (10.*)…
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WebRTC IP leak in 2021

it's been a while since WebRTC was seen as a possible opportunity for IP leak when using a VPN. We're in 2021 today and I was wondering if there have been some improvements with this protocol in term of security. I mean, Edge is currently WebRTC…
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