Questions tagged [vaadin]

Vaadin is a framework for web applications.

3 questions
1 answer

Are there XSS vulnerabilities in the Vaadin framework?

I am currently researching at some webapplication vulnerabilities especially client-side vulnerabilities like XSS. I have already read some topics about this issue. They said it was possible to inject malicious code inside XHTML. But I would like to…
2 answers

Using sqlmap for SQL injection vulnerabilities in Vaadin

I implemented a small website for penetration testing purposes using the Vaadin framework. I have a MySQL database running in the background as well as a Jetty server. The website is vulnerable against manual SQL injection attacks. But when I want…
1 answer

Burpsuite - finding xss vulnerabilities in the vaadin framework

I made a little website using the vaadin-framework. It contains one TextField-component for user input and one Label-component which is placed in another view and which is displaying exactly the value, entered in the view before. The Label-component…