Questions tagged [url-redirection]

URL redirection is a technique for making web resources available under more than one URL address, or moved to a different location while maintaining compatibility with previously published URLs.

URL redirection, or URL forwarding, is a technique for making web resources available under more than one URL address, or moved to a different location while maintaining compatibility with previously published URLs.

URL redirection can be set-up on a web server handling web requests, attached to web application's response headers and handled by a user-agent, or handled through a client-side script.

222 questions
2 answers

My website redirects to an unknown website

I coded my own website and uploaded to a host. Some days ago I realised that in specific page suddenly redirects to an unknown websites, until 3-4 redirects. The redirects are:> ->…
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0 answers

What are the risks of using wildcard in context path of OIDC/OAuth redirect_uri?

I'm using Keycloak for my authentication needs. It allows me to use * as wildcard when whitelisting redirect_uris for OIDC clients. What are the risks of using * in context path of redirect_uri? For example, what could attacker do if I registered…
0 answers

Explotation of reload/redirect through javascript

While working on a site ( the site redirects through a javascript function: