Questions tagged [url-redirection]

URL redirection is a technique for making web resources available under more than one URL address, or moved to a different location while maintaining compatibility with previously published URLs.

URL redirection, or URL forwarding, is a technique for making web resources available under more than one URL address, or moved to a different location while maintaining compatibility with previously published URLs.

URL redirection can be set-up on a web server handling web requests, attached to web application's response headers and handled by a user-agent, or handled through a client-side script.

222 questions
1 answer

Malicious URL - just Chrome

I was scanning a file on and it was identified malicious by only one antivirus (1/68 antiviruses) called CMC so I was interested to know about this antivirus, see if it's the deal or not. I Googled "CMC antivirus" and I clicked on…
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What are the security advantage of new redirecting method used by Gmail and Facebook?

When clicking on the any link in gmail or Facebook,it redirect to that link by some other ways. What are the security advantage of new redirecting method used by gmail and Facebook?
open source guy
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1 answer

Open redirection URL

So i have been studying a lot of bug report regarding redirecting URL to a malicious website,most are understandable like when you log in or log out or you are just being redirected to another domain of the same web site ,you change parameter in…
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Spammer uses foreign domain for redirection

A friend of mine's Skype was "infected" with a bot that sends links to it's friends. The link points to LinkedIn, but as soon as you make a GET request, it redirects you to an advertising page. This is the link it sent:…
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Dns poisoning for any search

DNS poisoning works only if we open a certain website. For example, a victim enters in a browser, it will be directed to a phishing page. What if we want to redirect the victim to for anything he enters in the browser?…
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Need help finding out what type of url encoding is this?

I need to know what type of encoding is involved in this url…
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User's submitted ID in URLs, can it open some vulnerability?

On the website I'm building users can submit links to various of their personal page: YouTube accounts, Twitter, Facebook and a lot more. When he does so he furnishes the ID to his account. For example if the user freddiew wants to link his YouTube…
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Why does always redirect to ikea china?

Background: This question has been raised here and marked as duplicate. However, it is not fully addressed. To reproduce (not exactly): Set your DNS to (the Baidu DNS Stay out of China and DON'T use any…
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Bank website has extension .rf is this safe?

Does anyone know if it is ok to proceed to my bank website even if every time I type the website in it opens pages with an .rf extension? What is that extension about? The bank is Regions dot com.
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How do I prevent the URL open redirect vulnerability?

I have created a vulnerable Code for Open redirect vulnerability, but now I want to secure it. But unfortunately, I didn't find on google so decide to come here., So, this is my html file code, in which I provide the next parameter.
januu agrawal
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2 answers

How can HSTS preloading be avoided?

Preloading is a primitive operation. You must preload for a year or more, and "be aware that inclusion in the preload list cannot easily be undone," according to the registration tool. Therefore, if there is ANY chance of an error, it is prudent NOT…
1 answer

Avira Antivirus acting as a virus

I have a Avira Antivirus installed on Windows 7. The problem is now when I click on any button or click to uninstall any program it redirects me to the Avira website where it says upgrade it for more than $40. This is the link it redirects me…
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