Questions tagged [twitter]

Real-time information network that connects you to the latest stories, ideas, opinions and news about what you find interesting.

33 questions
0 answers

How do I get the Access-Token and Access-Token-Secret?

Can anyone explain me these terms with respect to OAuth ? Consumer Key Consumer Secret Access Token Access Token Secret Also, when I registered my application with twitter I got the consumer key and consumer secret but how do I get the access…
Suhail Gupta
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2 answers

Is Tweetdeck authentication really safe?

I have recently installed Tweetdeck, because my previous client stopped working. In my custom client, and in the third party client I have used previously I had to setup authorize the application in my Twitter account and the use generated PIN to…
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Can't log in into Twitter for Android app after SSL Bypass

I don't know if this is the right forum for this kind of question. I was trying to intercept traffic from Twitter for Android app and for that I needed to bypass the SSL pin they implemented. Basically I was following this tutorial and I got it to…
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How does Google Authenticator interact with apps on an iPhone?

I am clear on how Google Authenticator works when logging on to a website and I am clear on that. However, these days everyone is using apps for everything. The Twitter app, the Facebook app, the Instagram app etc thus not bothering much for the…
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How to mask attack a sha256 hash with following information using hashcat?

I am hashcat newbie and I want to crack a hash :) The answer is 1-15 (unknown) characters and it may contain 'a-z' 'A-Z' '0-9' and '_' . (A Twitter username) How may I mask attack a hash with above information using hashcat? The brute force (below)…
2 answers

Twitter allows the password to be resolved from a stolen cookie. Is that a problem?

I recently discovered and reported a security vulnerability to Twitter: Despite my belief that the report it indeed valid, they replied to me with the following response: As far as I can tell, this security engineer is talking about protection…
1 answer

Are social media websites a security risk? If yes, how do we go about making them safer for users?

Generally speaking, I'm looking at a business environment. I know that Facebook Ads are not vetted and can contain malware, also users can share files on some social media sites. But what else is there? And are there any practical solutions to these…
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Why do services like Twitter have tokens and secrets for 3rd party apps?

I noticed that if you have a 3rd-party Twitter app, you get an access token, and an access token secret, to communicate with Twitter. Why are there two codes? Shouldn't one be enough? Does this mean every 3rd-party app needs to have their own server…
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Could there be malware in a video on twitter?

I don't know anything about security. I want to download the videos I like from twitter. And I'm not going to do it by writing a program. I will manually find the necessary link in the html document and download it. Could there be malware in the…
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Twitter OAuth signing process explanation

I was going through this process and there are two points that do not make clear sense to me: Step 1: POST OAuth/request_token response includes…
2 answers

Can my oppressive government trace my Twitter activity and detect me?

I want to be active on Twitter against our oppressive government. Can my government trace and detect me? Twitter is banned here and we must use VPNs. I use Outline (Shadowsocks) mostly. Is there any way to trace users via information from the ISPs…
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Twitter switching to '' after it detected the browser is outdated

What's going on is that, Twitter is switching me to their "mobile" site after it detected my browser was outdated. Factly I can still send Tweets, its just their mobile site. My experience with websites that doesn't support old browsers is that they…
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How to store user credentials in a web application?

I use the Twitter API in my app. I used to store the OAuth 2 tokens of the associated Twitter account within an application config. But now the application's users have to be able, using the web interface, to associate any number of twitter…
3 answers

Does allowing Facebook cookies over Tor threaten my anonymity?

I was using Facebook on Tor without problem - I made no modifications to Tor, I just installed it and used it (except I had to do verification of identifying friends on login). I just switched to Tails and it told me I cannot use Facebook without…
Secure me
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Twitter phone verification while on Tor

Twitter locked me out of my account. I can log in but I can't do anything with it until I give them a phone number. I've had the account for years but they've decided now there's "suspicious activity" with it. I've tried many of the free online…