Questions tagged [standards]

74 questions
0 answers

Was ISO 17799:2005 the first ISO standard to introduce risk management?

I'm doing research into ISO 17799:2005, more specifically its policies related to risk management and its involvement on risk management in the wider IT sector, but I can't find out the answer to: Was ISO 17799:2005 the first standard to introduce…
Cpt Price
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What's the relation between a Security Framework & Standards, Guidelines, Procedures and Policies?

I'm currently writing a paper about security standards. Therefore several terms have to be defined before I can actually start. The problem is that in every resource the term "Framework" is somehow connected to the terms "Standard", "Guideline",…
2 answers

Software Signing Standards

Is there a software signing certificates standard, officially or by popularity? As I understand the SSL/TLS/https certificates rules are specified by the RFCs. Mixed use of servers and clients from different vendors will just interoperate without a…
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What should be the life time for SMS OTP?

I've tried to find such a standard that mention the lifetime of SME OTP, however, NIST is no longer recommended using SMS OTP due to the risk involved. Regardless of the security concerns, I still need to implement SMS OTP and would like to know the…
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When should TouchID/Fingerprint log-in expire?

I couldn't find such a standard which mention about TouchID or fingerprint log in expiration date. Suppose I have an application and allow users to log in using the fingerprint. I would like to know for how long should I allow my user to log in with…
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Trustable Sources For Security Algorithms and Standards?

I am learner of cryptographic algorithms and security standards. I usually Google it to understand the basics of the algorithm or the protocol, and to find an implementation of a protocol. However I can never be sure if the algorithm I am looking…
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Envelope formats to store (symmetric) encrypted text

We have decided to use AES to cipher user data. So for every data chunk we have the crypted text along with the SALT. Now we have to store both of them in the database and we do not want to separate the SALT from crypted text in different columns.…
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Recognized complement to OWASP's ASVS requirements

The OWASP ASVS focuses on web-application verification. It is free and recognised worldwide as a good reference to build upon, or simply reuse. It is useful to use it when outsourcing web development. However OWASP does not provide similar…
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PCI DSS or PCI Standard - Standards | Requirement | Implementation

I have done ISO 27001 implementation and auditin. I want to get a clear idea of PCIDSS standard. What is PCI DSS (I know the abbreviation) What are all the materials and sites to refer? What are all the standard documents to refer? What are the…
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PDF encryption anomaly; version 1.5 using AES

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum to ask this question so please accept my apologies in advance if this is the wrong place. (I have already posted this in the Programmers section but I've yet to receive an answer.) I recently created an…
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Certifying software as secure

What security certifications do major banks in the US expect an external software vendor to comply with? The software might form part of their payment processing system. ISO/IEC 27001 would apply to an organization's ISM practices. Would the…
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Are there Secure Coding Standards other that CERT?

I am familiar with the CERT Secure Coding Standart. Are there also any other secure coding standarts other than the CERT ones?
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ISO 27001 2013 version not being updated

Is there any reason why an information security standard such as ISO 27001 is not getting updated as Information Security field is constantly changing and also the requirements but its latest version is for 2013?
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Standards and Guidelines Pro/Con Anti Malware programs

For a whitepaper about anti-malware products used in combination with (server side) applications and infrastructure components (database server) I am looking for standards, guidelines and codified best-practices which recommend, demand or forbid…
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