Questions tagged [sqlmap]

sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.

sqlmap is an open source penetration testing tool that automates the process of detecting and exploiting SQL injection flaws and taking over of database servers.

152 questions
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Why does sqlmap dump column ids only?

I have accessed a database and using --is-dba , I know that the user IS NOT database admin and also using --privileges , I know that the privileges is USAGE . Now I want to know is this the reason that sqlmap is only dumping the ID column of the…
Mr Pro
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2 answers

sqlmap won't give me results i'm looking for

I am trying to use sqlmap. Although every time I use it, I just get a response of: [13:39:11] [CRITICAL] previous heuristics detected that the target is protected by some kind of WAF/IPS [13:39:11] [INFO] testing if the target URL content is…
Mr. Cow
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1 answer

SQLMap Only Returns information_schema

I run this command python -u --data "id=1" --tamper="between,randomcase,space2comment" -v 3 --random-agent --dbs but SQLMap only returns information_schema database. Is there something wrong (if so, is there…
0 answers

Sqlmap not detects error based injection

I am working on Hack the VM (hard machine) for my OSCP preparation There is a web app with two drop down boxes.. Year and month.. both contain numbers and a submit to fetch data from DB based on year and month Now when I change the month value from…
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.php code in .txt file with eval() function

I have found three files with name as below: a.phpfile.txt b.phpfile.txt c.phpfile.txt when i open, each file contained with the following code:
Abdul Rahman
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0 answers

SQLmap automation

I'm automating SQL injection using sqlmap. Is there someone who managed to parse sqlmap console output to only report critical findings (vulnerable pages to SQL injection)? The tool doesn't support output as JSON, and running the tool as API server,…
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Sqlmap waf bypass

This is my first post here, sorry for my english. Im making some test around, because i want to learn more about sql injection. Im not really good as manual sql injection, so im using sqlmap. what im know from my target is: application Mysql…
1 answer

SQLmap finds injectable 'id' parameter but the response is 'Internal Server Error'

I am trying to understand the SQLi so I ran SQLMap with '-vvv' parameter 4: Show also HTTP requests. I did scan one of the vulnerable and 'free to hack' sites. In one of the requests sent, the response from SQLmap was: [22:25:10] [DEBUG] got HTTP…
1 answer

SQLMAP Redirect using xampp

I am learning SQLi using sqlmap and xampp. I set up my lab the same way as per tutorial but when I run -u "http://localhost/bwapp/sqli_1.php?title=1*" the error got 302 redirected to http://localhost:80/bwapp/login.php and when I…
0 answers

Response seems to get redirected if SQL injection query succeeds, if not then it doesn't get redirected

Under the authorization of my friend, I am testing his website against potential vulnerabilities. I was trying to find if I was able to inject a SQL query into a POST request parameter hi' or 1=1 --: query=hi'%20or%201%3d1%20-- I found that the…
0 answers

Is this SQLMap query is correct?

I am practicing on some vulnerable application, and I am asked to find an injection vulnerability with a payload. it states there is a common and simple filter in place. Then I need to extract the flag value from the chlns table. So I use SQLmap to…
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0 answers

Boolean blind SQLi with sqlmap

I am trying to run sqlmap in order to find a flag for a CTF. The injection string is sent via a POST request in the parameter called search. The response is received as either 1, 2, or 3 (error codes), or flag{flag_name} (success). HTTO response…
0 answers

SQLMAP injection with dynamic token?

I've a web app that has an injection point in POST data. POST data requires 4 params and one of these is a session-custom token. The problem is that every time request is made i need to get a new token from the app. To obtain a "fresh" token i did a…
1 answer

SQLmap non authorized user, but the url works in browser

Through Burp Suite I get a possible SQL injection point using this request: POST /restrict/ HTTP/1.1 Host: test-san-as01:8080 Accept: */* Accept-Language:…
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1 answer

tamper scripts for bypassing waf sqlmap

I have tried the following tamper scripts in sqlmap but the connection is still getting dropped by the WAF:…
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