I am practicing on some vulnerable application, and I am asked to find an injection vulnerability with a payload. it states there is a common and simple filter in place. Then I need to extract the flag value from the chlns table. So I use SQLmap to find it.

Please read below and correct me if I am wrong in any stage:

sqlmap -u 'http://www.site.com/game.php?name=sarah’ --dbs

When I run it, it asks that it is being redirected to facebook, and I press n to not do that. Then it continious and load 3 databases as such:

-- information_schema
-- chlns
-- people

on I run the following query:

sqlmap -u 'http://www.site.com/game.php?name=sarah’ -D chlns --tables

to get all the tables. After it starts running it gives the below error:

[ERROR] unable to retrieve the table names for any database
do you want to use common table existence check? [y/N/q] y

Then it asks for a file or use the default wordlist. Which I used the default option. At the end it came up with a list of tables (13 overall) which then I used the below code for one of the sample table names:

sqlmap -u 'http://www.site.com/game.php?name=sarah’ -D chlns T- table --dump

this code asks for the same thing when i run it and want to run it through a worklist. each process takes a long time around 10/15 mins and each time it come up with an error like below:

HTTP error code: 414 (Request-URI Too Large) [*N times...

And i get nowhere. Am I doing anything wrong here? or is there any easier way? the excercise mentiones there is a table called chlns but it seems chlns is a database instead. This could be the case as in another excercise chlns was the database and one was the name of the table that flag existed.

Is there any suggestions to make this process easier or any pro advice?

Thanks in advance,

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  • Generally challenges like this is to learn how to exploit SQL injection, not to learn how to run sqlmap. The tool has a tendency to turn most SQL injection vectors into time based sql which explains why it takes so long. I would recommend taking a stab at manual exploitation. – wireghoul Jan 12 '20 at 04:36
  • I think this sentence is key: "it states there is a common and simple filter in place". You may want to experiment with the sqlmap --tamper scripts. – Kevin Jan 12 '20 at 05:37

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