Questions tagged [self-xss]

Self XSS is a XSS vulnerability that only affects the one performing it, such as tricking the victim into copy pasting code into the browser console.

13 questions
2 answers

Facebook's warning of self-xss

I happened to open my browser console on Facebook recently and was greeted with the following message. Stop! This is a browser feature intended for developers. If someone told you to copy and paste something here to enable a Facebook feature or…
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2 answers

Further exploit self XSS

I´m pentesting a clients website and found a self XSS Vulnerability in the Login Page: in case of a login error the Error Page shows the Username, so if you input as User, it shows the alert box. However, it´s probably…
3 answers

CVSS Score for self-XSS (stored XSS)

I have a web application which is vulnerable to stored, self-XSS attack. Proper encoding is not done In the place where the data from a database (set by the same user) is added to response. However, this XSS can be considered as not self-XSS…
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1 answer

Self-XSS From File Upload Name

I encountered this type of vulnerability a couple of times but was not able to fully exploit it. This vulnerability is a self-xss which is triggered from file names. E.g. If I were to upload a file named [xss-payload].png, it will be executed as…
Emanuel Beni
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1 answer

Is this considered DOM-XSS or self-XSS or both?

SCENARIO: A web page shows an error login page using these javascript lines user input can be inputted with xss payload. Filter is doing following replaces: i) " with \" ii) \ with \\ iii) / with \/ I have tried…