Questions tagged [security-seal]

A graphic displayed on websites indicating that the security of the website has been verified in some way by a third party.

A digital- or cyber-security seal is obtained by purchasing and installing a digital certificate. - An end user can verify the authenticity of a website by clicking on the seal which will take him to the SSL certificate provider's website. - According to SSL certificate providers it gives the end user's a sense of safety and helps protect against identity theft and phishing.

8 questions
4 answers

Effectiveness of Security Images

Do security images such as those presented upon logging into banks provide any tangible security benefits, or are they mostly theater? Per my understanding, if somebody is phishing your users, it's also trivial for them to proxy requests from your…
4 answers

Security seals and the "perception of safety"?

I clearly understand that the security seals (verisign or norton secure etc.) shown on banking and other websites are generated using a script and available only after an ssl certificate is purchased and installed. The certificate vendors say "the…
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1 answer

SSL Trust Seal of ""

when I visit "", I can see a trust seal at the bottom right of the page that says the certificate is issued by DigiCert. It is a clickable trust seal, so when I click on it, it takes me to the DigiCert website. My confusion is…
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1 answer

Securely access OwnCloud & MediaPortal

I have a NAS containing media and user files encrypted on disk. I will be running FreeNAS 9.x as my operation system, OwnCloud and SABnzbd "in jail". OwnCloud will use SSL, of course. I also have a HTPC (Home theater PC‎) on my network, that runs…
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2 answers

WinForm Application Security

I wanted to create a winform application that have a centralized security database. This application is portable, can be save to any PC and simply run the .exe to use, hence there will be many copies of this software. However, it will require a User…
1 answer

Will using super-glue on the screws of my laptop prevent it from being opened unnoticed?

I know someone can break open the case, but what about opening it without leaving evidence? Are there any seals available for securing your laptop from unauthorized access? And sealing the sides of the laptop with superglue
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3 answers

Why cant we get rid of car keys and introduce an app to control our car

Why do we need keys ... Let's make an app that works on an ad-hoc network and can control our basic functions replacing our key.... And bdw how does key helps in getting car started
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1 answer

Why should I use the VPN?

Does a Virtual Private Network (VPN) provide an encrypted connection from outside networks or from ISPs to the internal network?