Questions tagged [searchable-encryption]

An encryption scheme where the ciphertext can be searched without needing to decrypt it. A common application is encrypting database primary keys, for example in Electronic Medical Record systems.

An encryption scheme where the ciphertext can be searched without needing to decrypt it. A common application is encrypting database primary keys, for example in Electronic Medical Record systems.

Searchable encryption (SE) is often implemented using ciphers that are homomorphic encryption (HE) or fully homomorphic encryption (FHE).

For more related questions, see crypto.stackexchange tag [searchable-encryption]

3 questions
2 answers

How secure is the Ciphersweet library for searchable encryption, and why is a duplicate entry leak not a problem?

I'm currently managing a code base in which we've got a mysql database with all records encrypted using the php-encryption library. This works well for our current setup. We now got a new business requirement that should make it possible to do a…
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2 answers

What is currently the best Searchable Encryption (SE) algorithm that works in practice?

I'm struggling to find good literature on Searchable Encryption. There are of course a few student papers written in LaTeX using Computer Modern that has some nice Greek soups in them, but none with any actual concrete examples. The same goes for…
0 answers

Elliptic Curve searchable encryption for message delivery

I need a simple message scheme where a sender can send a private message to a receiver using a public database and without relieving who the receiver. All parties have an Elliptic Curve public and private key pair. Is there a searchable encryption…
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