Questions tagged [remote-server]

80 questions
1 answer

Logging into remote server via SSH using VPN (Wireguard). Is it foolproof?

I have a remote server into which I login via ssh. On this server I have setup a Wireguard VPN to which my host connects. The ssh server (ssh daemon) listens on a private IP interface (the server's Wireguard interface). It seems to me that the only…
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What are the loop holes in SSH tunneling?

I am working on React web app build on my local PC at port 443, and I want to make it accessible via internet for testing purposes. One solution that I came across was SSH remote port forwarding as mentioned in this article. My institute has one…
Dhaval Lila
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Suspicious url in redis key value

When i put keys * for getting all pairs, one key have named as crackit Then i use below command to get its value get crackit its shows the below url, which looks suspicious. /usr/bin/curl -fsSL Google…
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I've just purchased a VPS to use for developing and managing my clients hosting packages. What necessary steps do I have to take?

The VPS is running CentOS and I have full access. I only looked around using the cPanel installation and already disabled anonymous FTP access. What other security risks are there with a default VPS install?
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Encrypt files securely on remote server?

Let's suppose I have a rented VPS hosted somewhere in the world. Considering that I don't have physical access, I'm interested in some method that would allow me to encrypt data on the server without the VPS provider being able to decrypt it. They…
Rápli András
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how to access freenet on a remote machine from android

The goal is to use freenet on non-rooted android devices. It is far out of my capabilities to actually port Freenet to android, but I am attempting to use and provide a functioning solution for android. I was able to use "gnuroot debian" to install…
5 answers

Securing data transfer between public network and personal accounts

I would be traveling soon and I am looking for all kinds of ways to encrypt the data transfer (usernames, passwords, emails ...) between the new networks to which I will connect my Laptop, that is running Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10), and my server, my…
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Does MITM attack work across Remote Systems?

I have question about if MITM works across remote systems? Often, I'm doing internal penetration test, but I'm not sure about how to do MITM attack when I am outside from that network. Does classic ARP+DNS spoofing work across remote systems?
2 answers

Potential dangers of re-locating critical systems to cloud

It was suggested by some consultants that We relocate some of our critical systems in our environment to cloud base architecture. Besides knowing the fact that on a cloud base architecture we have no control over their infrastructure, what other…
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SFTP between guest virtual machine and its host

The System I am using Windows 7 host with Cygwin and a virtual machine running Linux. The actual running guest is an Arch Linux ISO. The Objective I want to share files between the Cygwin host and the Arch guest. Possible Solution A good solution…
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4 answers

Authentication with an untrusted server

I asked a related question earlier, but I want to ask a broader version this time: To simplify things let's say I've developed an application that allows users to send messages in a chat room, and to each other (similar to IRC). The nature of the…
1 answer

Use Metasploit to exploit SMB through Conficker

I've got an SP0/unpatched Windows XP which is vulnerable to the Conficker worm. I'm using metasploit to use the Conficker exploit with the purpose of opening a remote shell/command line. My Metasploit script is the following one: use…
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Renting a remote server with IPMI: is one vulnerable?

It has been reported in the media and some security conscious mailing lists that some IPMI-enabled servers, implementations and brands suffer serious security issues. When you go to a dedicated server provider to rent a preconfigured unmanaged…
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Simple and secure remote installation method that accepts input via a web page?

When installing software on a remote server: Is it possible to let the admin (i.e. the user that installs the software) define admin username and password via a HTML page, in a secure manner? Clarification: When one installs e.g. WordPress, parts of…
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2 answers

Can a system be remotely controlled in GUI without you seeing it?

For instance: opening your web browser, opening your already logged in google account and checking your location history. If someone were doing this over RDP you'd be able to see it happening but is it possible for an attacker that has control of…
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