Questions tagged [remote-desktop]

Remote desktop is the ability to connect to a remote computer, see an image of that computer's desktop and interact with it as if it were local.

Remote desktop is the ability to connect to a remote computer, see an image of that computer's desktop and interact with it as if it were local.

179 questions
3 answers

How do I assess and mitigate the security risks of a VNC tool?

I love VNC. I've regularly used it for some time, and while I haven't needed it in the past couple months, it's a resource I would like to continue to use in the future. However, with new reports about TeamViewer, it raises a question in my mind…
1 answer

secure ways to prevent access to an application by more than one person at a time?

If an application is licensed in such a way that is set up for one user, on one computer, how can I secure it? Even if locking into one computer, how could you prevent the computer from being remotely accessed by others, so that only one user can…
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Who's been accessing my computer with TeamViewer? Tracking through UUID

So here I am, sitting at my computer screen on the one day of the week I stayed home from work, checking messages on my phone, when out the corner of my eye I see a browser page being opened. It was PayPal. Luckily for me, I'm not so careless to…
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Test a known list of possible Windows Remote Desktop credentials?

I've forgotten my password to my home server. It's a new Windows 2012R2 VM, I didn't change the maximum password age requirements in Group Policy DC (even tho I know I should have) until it was too late, and now I've forgotten what I changed it…
IT Bear
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How secure is UltraVNC?

I've found that UltraVNC Single Click is an interesting alternative to TeamViewer. However it as far I understand uses RC4 to encrypt. Would you recommend this tool to remote desktop bearing in mind the security?
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Why is Google Remote Desktop not detected by company?

My company has been applying really strict information security policies with firewalls and good quality network equipment this is to prevent from someone to connect to the company network. Many of you know that Team Viewer is blocked for obvious…
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Is there a risk in remote access for the person that is remoting in?

It is obvious that the machine that is receiving a connection is exposed to malicious actions, but is there a risk for the machine that is remoting in, as a virus or worm spread through this connection?
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Windows Remote Desktop access modes and security/functionality?

What are the security implications of running a Windows RDS farm vs. just using RDP for remote administration?
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2 answers

Are the websites I visit using Windows Remote Desktop connection secure from my ISP?

Are the websites I visit using Windows Remote Desktop connection secure from my ISP? I am ok if my ISP knows the IP address of the remote desktop I am connecting with but will they also be able to 'see' the websites I use or the documents I write on…
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Home PC has been compromised remotely and even after cleaning my PC repeatedly, the problem still comes back, help please?

I'm a regular guy running two small franchise businesses with a basic understanding of computers etc, (very basic really), but I am certain my home network has been hacked and I am finding lots of new devices installed on my PC without my consent. I…
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Can any one see if I'm surfing the web via remote control?

So, if I'm surfing the web (google etc..), can they see that I'm surfing from my laptop which is remotely connected to my desktop PC? Or will they only be able to see that my desktop PC is connected to their site? I'm currently using teamViewer…
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How can this Jim Browning YouTuber have access to so many scammers' computers/networks?

I'm frankly sick of these videos, and the only interesting part to me has nothing to do with the scam or the content of the video, but simply the fact that he is apparently somehow able to see exactly what they are doing on their screens.…
5 answers

How to check if someone is in my computer

Igen suspect that someone is may be controlling my computer using some remote desktop app. How I check if I am right or not? My only clue is that my mouse sometimes start to move randomly (it is not a mouse error, not even straight line moves, and…
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How could an attacker have gained remote access to my laptop?

I have a 15 yr old daughter who's become not only a certified Microsoft Expert, but by pure accident, it came to my attention she'd long ago created a SPLIT network connection on our internet, HIDDEN from my view. I've had numerous problems such as…
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