Questions tagged [rc4]

RC4 (Rivest Cipher 4) is a type of stream cipher.

51 questions
2 answers

RC4 support in SSL configuration

GitHub recently improved its SSL setup by removing RC4 support: To keep GitHub as secure as possible for every user, we will remove RC4 support in our SSL configuration on and in the GitHub API on January 5th 2015. RC4 has a number of…
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3 answers

Why is it necessary to minimize redundancy in the ciphertext of a stream cipher?

I am utterly confused about this. I understand why you would want to minimize redundancy if you're using a substitution cipher, but why is this necessary when using a stream cipher such as RC4? Since the attacker does not have the key, how would…
2 answers

Which of AES modes are safer and faster for transferring data over the network?

I have using Crypto++ in Qt and use of AES Algorithm for encrypting files. I know about AES modes and their applications. I have use of StreamTransformation method for encrypting files in CBC and EAX modes. Now I want to Transfer data over the…
2 answers

Reconcile IMAP4 RFC with No RC4 RFC

RFC 3501 states: IMAP client and server implementations MUST implement the TLS_RSA_WITH_RC4_128_MD5. RFC 7465 states: o TLS clients MUST NOT include RC4 cipher suites in the ClientHello message o TLS servers MUST NOT select an RC4 cipher…
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0 answers

xls RC4 encryption password from key

I asked this question on stackoverflow, but thought it may be more appropriate here. I have a key from a RC4 encrypted excel sheet (xls), along with the salt, and hash, etc. and I have decrypted the file using this program. Is there a way to recover…
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1 answer

How secure is UltraVNC?

I've found that UltraVNC Single Click is an interesting alternative to TeamViewer. However it as far I understand uses RC4 to encrypt. Would you recommend this tool to remote desktop bearing in mind the security?
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