Questions tagged [pop3]
7 questions
4 answers
Does IMAP/POP3/ASP undermine Two-Factor Auth?
When I log in to hotmail or Google or posteo I can only log in using the 2FA that I have set up. However, each provider seems to have an alternative for apps that do not auth via a web client.
Hotmail/Google: 16-lowercase-characters "app-specific"…

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2 answers
Why are common services using implicit SSL not considered obsolete in the way that SMTPS is?
SMTPS (implicit SSL) has been deprecated/obsolete since SMTP+STARTTLS (explicit SSL) was defined in RFC2487. I'm not entirely clear on the reasoning behind that, but it was clearly considered a good idea at the time.
A parallel can be seen with IMAP…

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3 answers
Better safety: Webmail or POP3/IMAP email client?
Which offers a higher level of safety: Webmail or using a POP3/IMAP client?
Assume the following for webmail:
Access via HTTPS
Rarely downloading any attachments, but in cases where it may be necessary, carefully verifying the integrity and…

RockPaperLz- Mask it or Casket
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2 answers
Domain offline - are unmaintained email clients a security risk?
I have just unregistered a domain. Now my mail client (Thunderbird) popped up a message saying that it cannot connect to the mail server. That's fine - for the moment.
However, I wonder what would happen when someone else registers the domain. Given…

Thomas Weller
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1 answer
Who is accessing my pop3 email accounts?
Recently I started receiving "Third-party application access to your Zoho Account" warning emails from regarding my Zoho email accounts, saying things like:
We noticed a third-party application(POP) accessed your Zoho Account associated…

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Email including self-shredding macro after "Seen" flag is set
Bob sent an email to Alice with nothing much useful and tenuous ( but because it isn't useful it can ruin Bob's reputation if bad Alice decide to publish. )
Is there a way for Bob to include a suicide-after-a-specified-time macro inside the email…

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1 answer
Risks in open POP3/IMAP ports?
I found a domain with open POP3 (110) and IMAP (143) ports. I was able to use TELNET to connect to them successfully, but beyond this is there any common vulnerability/exploit I should test on them, or is this even a security problem to have them…

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