Questions tagged [pcap]

5 questions
2 answers

How to recognize Tor traffic

Having a PCAP file with Tor traffic, is there a way fast enough to recognize if any of the packets are part of Tor traffic/sessions? Some tools speak about "protocol identification via statistical analysis", but I'm wondering if there are any…
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1 answer

What is the best way to create a PCAP file containing malicious traffic?

I'm in my last year of university and for my honour's project I am tasked with comparing two intrusion detection systems, snort and suricata, hosted on a virtual machine on my PC. As I have no access to networking devices such as switches etc, I was…
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1 answer

SIEM-like tool for pcaps

Is there any tool that accepts a packet capture file as input and displays all the network traffic in a similar way to how a SIEM displays log information? I'm looking for a summary of the ports and IPs to get a good overview of a packet capture.
john doe
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1 answer

Application ip control

My goal is to analyze the traffic of an Android application, to check if it contacts any unofficial IPs. Using PCAPRemote I created a connection log file and transferred it to the PC, where I am analyzing it with WireShark. My problem is that there…
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0 answers

Snort does not detect attacks when running in offline mode

When I run Snort on a pcap file (that contains malicious traffic), it does not detect anything. I uncommented the rules path in Step #7 at snort.conf. Nothing is changed. How to let Snort detect attacks from test.pcap and generate a log file? I used…
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