Questions tagged [paypal]

An American company operating a worldwide online payments system.

45 questions
2 answers

Why would PayPal send messages from another domain?

I have just received a message asking to consent to PayPal policy updates from the domain: The actual link is full of trackers. Given the domain name, it sounds like a routinely email spoof. Also, visiting the…
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5 answers

How can Paypal know my card is being used in another account?

I have a credit card saved to my primary Paypal account. To make a long story short, I needed to make another Paypal account that would not be connected to my original one. I used a different computer, which had never been logged in to my original…
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Should I change phone number and e-mail address after PayPal fraud?

I have been the victim of PayPal fraud. I hadn't used PayPal in a year and then within 9 days there were three unauthorized transactions on my account for a total of 150 Canadian dollars and 290 American dollars. I have since been refunded by…
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1 answer

PayPal encrypted with obsolete cryptography

My Chrome just complained from PayPal's security, similarly to this issue: Google Chrome "Your connection to website is encrypted with obsolete cryptography" The identity is verified, but it complains the cryptography is obsolete. Says it uses…
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4 answers

How can I protect my credit card on sites where 2FA is not an option?

I'm using Visa Express, and sometimes when I'm shopping, the store doesn't support Verified by Visa - so that means that there is no 2FA option. Normally when there is that option, it will force me to enter my phone number where I will get OTP…
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PayPal is asking for my Bank Details. How secure is this?

I am from the UK but I'm living in Poland. I have two British bank accounts and a Polish account. The two British accounts are linked to a PayPal account registered from the UK and the Polish one is linked to an account made in Poland. Today I could…
Woody Payne
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2 answers

Is PCI-DSS Compliance Required with PayPal Donate/Payment Buttons on Websites?

Reading about PCI-DSS 3 recently: Would like confirmation what I am interpreting here - you need PCI-DSS SAQ-A to have credit card associated payment or donation URL links on a merchant's website? For example: If a business or charity operated…
2 answers

Why would someone keep sending money to my Paypal account without my consent?

I don't know why someone keeps sending money to my Paypal account, repeatedly at a certain interval. What would be the benefit from doing this? What would be the security scenario in maliciously using my Paypal account? What should I do to stop it?
Sahad NK
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PCI Compliance and PayPal

First, please forgive my ignorance. Until this week, the only "credit card security" I understood was how to hack systems and why to write PHP pages with the types of features I do (msqli, pdo, parameterized query, etc..). As per my involved…
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PayPal payment reversal; scammer at work?

For the past several days, I have received several monetary donations through PayPal for exactly 1 US dollar. Several hours after the donation is received, I also receive a notification from PayPal that they are "investigating a payment reversal,"…
Jonah Bishop
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3 answers

Do I need PCI DSS compliance when using PayPal Express Checkout?

If I'm using PayPal Express Checkout on my website, am I required to be PCI DSS compliant? PayPal says "With Website Payments Standard, Online Invoicing, Express Checkout and Website Payments Pro Hosted, PayPal handles the payment card information…
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Is it safe to give my PayPal email and Home Address to a stranger?

I am selling some fairly expensive furniture on CraigsList. A few hours after posting, I received an offer. They said to send them my PayPal email and the address so that movers could come pick it up when payment is received. This was discussed…
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Does Visa Checkout have preventive measures against spoofing?

A few online merchants are offering special deals for using Visa Checkout, a payment service similar to PayPal, so I've been trying to learn something about it before signing up. When you are on a shopping site and click the Visa Checkout icon, it…
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Is it ok from the viewpoint of PCI DSS to send credit card info to my own server which then directly sends it to PayPal?

Currently I'm developing an iOS application which has an option to pay an order (clothes cleaning) via scanning credit card info using device camera. I can't use Apple In-App Purchases (IAP) for this, because it is a physical good not a virtual one:…
2 answers

Is Paypal's 2FA Security really this bad?

I'm by now means an expert in this field, or even well versed, but if it's possible to do this, I can't comprehend how Paypal allows it. Say you have 2 factor authentication on, with your phone setup as the Device. You lose your phone and someone…
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