Questions tagged [password-management]

The functions performed by the person or processes responsible for security of passwords on a given system.

Password Management includes the definition of strength rules, expiration, reset, reuse, creation and storage of passwords, as well as the manual and automated processes by which passwords are managed in an organisation.

This may include automated tools for forgotten password reset procedures, password strength assessments.

1271 questions
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Protect aggainst Bruteforece with special Characters?

Is it possible that if I use special Characters in my password that it can't be Bruteforeced? Special Characters: =!@$/^&( and so on
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3 answers

Is there something other than "if" and "else"

There are many ways for protecting a password like using strong algorithms like SHA-512, using salts, encrypting the database where the password is stored, packing the license file with UPX etc and etc but though there are various procedures to my…
1 answer

If I am an admin of a WiFi router can I learn the password when it gets change by other admin?

I have a Huawei WS319 router. The admin password is known to me and my friend. Is there any way to learn WiFi password (through automatic notification) if it gets changed in the future, given that I have full access as admin?
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Is it secure to use Lastpass to save my passwords?

I am a Premium user of Lastpass app and I love it, but I don't know how safe is it to put all my passwords in the cloud?
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Is there any way to hack the password of my neighbour WPA-PSK and WEP connection

Is there any way to hack the password of my neighbour WPA-PSK and WEP connection of WI-FI without using a keylogger. I tried a lots of softwares and efforts but unsuccessful. Can any one suggest. I want to try to hack only for educational purpose.
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2 answers

Why doesn't everyone use a password manager?

People often use insecure passwords or use secure passwords but struggle to remember them. Password managers seem to provide a nigh perfect solution to this, allowing users to create very secure passwords while preventing them from needing to…
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1 answer

what if an operating system can change your password

Everyone want security for their pc/laptops... NO DOUBT... So we protect them by some password. 'Longer password, more security' this is the tag line. But what if our computer can change our account's password? For better security, can we design an…
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3 answers

Is MS Windows more secure than Linux on this aspect?

The administrator account can be renamed which means the hacker needs to figure out two pieces of information : the user name and the password while there is always one root account in Linux named root
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1 answer

How to prevent the usage of databases leaks to connect on other websites that use the same email/password?

On the dark net we can buy database leaks with nicknames, emails addresses, passwords, questions/answers to prove identity, and other fields. Sometimes the passwords/answers are in clear, sometimes only hashed without unique salt, and we could use…
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5 answers

is my scheme is less secure than the 99% of websites exposed to theses attacks?

I develop a sort of social network for mobile and desktop browser with a REST API. I can't ask to users to buy a U2F key or any hardware (but I could propose to support it if they have, since Chrome/Firefox support it natively now). I don't want…
1 answer

Does word store my passwords in plaintext?

I have a document which I wrote my passwords in and saved it to my disk, and I have been hearing a lot about programs storing passwords in plaintext Did word store my password I saved in plaintext??? If yes, how do I have a word with it?
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