Questions tagged [mobile]

Security in mobile devices. Issues concerning regular cellphones, smartphones, tablet computers and other portable information devices all fit into this category. If your question is specific to one of the following, use it instead: [phone], [smartphone], [iphone], [ios], [windows-phone], [android].

Security in mobile devices - smartphones, netbooks, laptops, blackberries and other computing or communication devices not typically classified as desktop or server.

The rise of mobile devices brings novel risks: the traditional view of a company's computers being inside some privileged boundary with everyone else being outside the same perimeter can no longer be applied. Questions relating to understanding the threat model of mobile devices, configuring security features of particular mobile platforms and addressing mobile-specific security issues all belong in the tag.

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1042 questions
1 answer

Can someone who knows my IMEI number hack me if I use their Wi-Fi?

Can someone who knows my IMEI number compromise my mobile and access my social media accounts when I am connected to their Wi-Fi?
1 answer

Find the phone number that a picture was taken on

A picture was forwarded to my phone. The person who forwarded it to me won't say who sent it to them. Is there a way I can find the origin of the picture? Can I find out the number of the phone that took the picture?
Nancy Heater
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3 answers

How is two step authentication done in Europe without SMS?

I've heard that SMS use for authentication in Europe isn't even close to how much it's used in the US. How do they do two step authentication when a user forgets their password? Is it as simple as just using a robocall to give them a code instead…
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What is the most secure mobile os? Ubuntu?

What's the most secure mobile os for the average day to day user concerned with protecting online banking, personal data, photos etc? And is the new Ubuntu mobile os likely to have the same security benefits of a Linux desktop distribution?
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How to find phone number of any user in a specific area?

I have learned about IMSI catchers but also read that one can not get the phone number through that IMSI. Lets suppose I want to collect the phone numbers of all people in a college/ shopping mall/ part of residential area for targeted advertising.…
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3 answers

I accidentaly clicked on an ad on webmd's website on an Iphone. Any chance of malware?

I am on a non jailbroken device and I accidentally clicked on an ad on webmd and it took me to a fishy looking website. Do I have a chance of getting malware?
1 answer

Mobile number tracking

Is there any way we can track our mobile when it is lost? I have done a google search on the same and found that we have websites which give us the details of where the SIM was purchased & Operator but not exactly where it is now. One example of…
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