Questions tagged [mac-address]

A Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment.

MAC addresses are most often assigned by the manufacturer of a network interface card (NIC) and are stored in its hardware, the card's read-only memory, or some other firmware mechanism. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer's registered identification number and may be referred to as the burned-in address. It may also be known as an Ethernet hardware address (EHA), hardware address or physical address. A network node may have multiple NICs and will then have one unique MAC address per NIC.

MAC addresses are formed according to the rules of one of three numbering name spaces managed by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE): MAC-48, EUI-48, and EUI-64. The IEEE claims trademarks on the names EUI-48 and EUI-64, in which EUI is an acronym for Extended Unique Identifier.

185 questions
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Will ISP see my router MAC address? connection by 4g USB modem

Question is similar to Will my USB modem send my MAC address to my ISP? but not exacly. I have router dwr-116 and usb 4G modem which is connected to this router. Will ISP see dwr-116 mac address? or will ISP see only 4g modem IMEI ? I think that ISP…
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What motivates wi-fi adapter-manufacturers to not allow MAC address changes in Windows?

I believe my Windows 10 computer does not allow me to change my wi-fi MAC address (unless I were to write my own firmware for the wi-fi adapter, but this would take lots of reverse- engineering on my part and is not practical), which seems to be the…
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Captive Portal Security Measures

I am currently working on a Captive Portal solution, which can be distributed in an device that has an ethernet and wlan port. In short, I use iptables to restrict access to all devices unless they were previously added to the table via MAC address.…
2 answers

Is it possible to trace a MAC address to an individual?

Ethernet cards have a unique MAC address that is assigned during manufacture. If you capture a MAC address, and no other information, can you trace this to an individual? Perhaps the manufacturers keep records of what MAC address goes in each batch?…
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Revealing original MAC address

Is it possible for other hosts in the (wired or wireless) network to detect original MAC address? After changing mac address capturing traffic shows that indeed not-original mac is sent, but I am not sure that there are other ways (may be on…
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Ban MAC address from website?

Possible Duplicate: Can I block based on Mac Address? I have a situation where I need to ban a MAC address from accessing my webserver. (Windows Web Server 2008 R2). Is this possible? P.S. I know how easy it is to change a MAC address... I just…
John Wheal
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Block MAC address in PHP

Refer to this post here how-can-i-get-the-mac-and-the-ip-address-of-a-connected-client-in-php, MAC address is unique as per device right? So if I found a possible attack from that device, I could just blacklist and block the device from log in my…
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Is using a switch enough to hide MAC adresses of my devices from my ISP?

I guess that my question sounds particularly dumb for specialists, but I was unable to find a reliable answer trough Google, so eventually I decided to post it here. I have a router obtained from ISP. In order to prevent seeing all my MACs from…
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Mac cloning ineffective

My network card broke and I got a new one. Instead of registering it with the IT guys upstairs, I cloned the MAC of one of our unused machines. I'm not being given an address at all, despite the unused machine still working on the network when being…
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3 answers

How can I change this new MAC address?

I have successfully changed my MAC address using macchanger from XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX to YY:YY:YY:YY:YY:YY. I executed ip neigh on Kali Linux and got this output: dev eth0 lladdr ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ:ZZ STALE. I am using a Modem Router. I want…
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Can the MAC address be "hidden"? ie that the information is not even delivered

Along with the above question, I would also like to know how can the MAC address be properly changed? Moreover, can it be replaced by a casual sequence or there are specific addresses to use? Finally, once changed, can it be reset to the default…
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What attacks or exploits are possible when MAC address, IP, and Port of a WiFi access point are known?

I just accepted a position at a small firm and was testing the previous WiFi setup for flaws and exploits that were possible. We have two AP's for business and guest connections, everything checks out on the guest (Free WiFi). But I just found a…
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How can I trace MAC address of not asosciated devices in my WiFi network?

I'm looking for hints to solve my problem. I would like to trace all devices that are in my surroundings. I know how do it when someone already access to my WiFi network, but I'm also interested to see all other devices. My idea is to trace mac…
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What type of information does a MAC address provide exactly?

For instance if someone had my MAC address would they have my name and address location or would they just have the name of my device. Also could they track me down by having the MAC address or would they need to go to court and sobpeana this…
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Verify my scenario of Internet infrastructure security

I have read a bit about Internet infrastructure recently. I have figured out how the IT crimes are easy to cover and quite confident way to perform any attack without traces. I got suprised that is like this and wanted to know if I understood the…
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