Question is similar to Will my USB modem send my MAC address to my ISP? but not exacly.

I have router dwr-116 and usb 4G modem which is connected to this router.

Will ISP see dwr-116 mac address? or will ISP see only 4g modem IMEI ?

I think that ISP will see only 4g modem IMEI but maybe i'm wrong?

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  • No they won’t but why do you ask? – Allison Oct 12 '17 at 01:08
  • @Sirens, thanks for your answer. I need to know this because I think about buy 2nd hand router which could be used to different activities. – ared20 Oct 12 '17 at 10:33
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    your ISP will see your modem's ID, though, so it doesn't matter if they can or cannot see the router's MAC - everything is still tied to the modem – schroeder Oct 12 '17 at 10:39

1 Answers1


No. ISP cant see MAC address of your router. MAC is a layer 2 address which exist within the network only.

And yes, your ISP will see only the IMEI.

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