Questions tagged [flash]

Risks associated with the Adobe Flash animation file format and its use on the web, as well as Flash player applications. For flash drives, use the tag flash-memory.

Adobe Flash is a file format used in websites for interactive applications and animations used on many websites. Adobe Flash Player (often in the form of a browser plugin) is the most common application used to run Flash content.

For flash drives, see the tag .

100 questions
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Recent persistent popups on Chrome trying to get me to download "Flash"

EDIT: I don't think this is 100% a duplicate, so if you've recently (around May 9th 2017) been seeing popups telling you to download Flash, I'd read on before following the link. It appears my Mac has recently (last 2 days) been infected by some…
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Flash drive returning odd files, and self creating others, any ideas?

I was sanitising a USB drive and after wiping it I ran Recuva to check the results. It finds a file called [000001].flv which is 113MB. The file starts with FLV and then the data looks random, certainly is not an FLV file. So I delete the file and…
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Are interactive Flash (SWF) ad banners a security threat?

Many times you have seen banners (Flash ads) on websites, where, when you move your mouse over the banner (without clicking it), you see how an animation in the banner starts moving toward your mouse position... That means that the Flash banner is…
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Repercussions of disabling file read and write in Adobe Flash player?

There are three settings in mms.cfg that I want to disable. It will disable file download and upload for Adobe Flash, but does it have any deeper issues? LocalFileReadDisable = 1 FileDownloadDisable = 1 FileUploadDisable = 1 File uploads and…
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Repercussions of disabling sockets in Adobe Flash player?

I am bit of a newbie to Flash exploits but I have heard that they use sockets to connect to a C&C server. According to the administration guide, I can disable sockets like this: DisableSockets = 1 This option enables or disables the use of the…
2 answers

chrome invisible flash document

I have it so flash doesn't start on page load for security and performance. Lately I have been noticing That some pages will load with a flash document that takes up the full screen. I can see it as it has not started running and gives the gray box…
2 answers

How do researchers identify vulnerability in closed source software?

Came across an article, it is about the new BadWinmail vulnerability in Outlook. Being a closed-source software, how do researchers manage to point out that Outlook is not sandboxing the flash? Is it possible to view the source code by any reverse…
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Does Microsoft EMET protect against latest Hacking Team Adobe Flash 0-day exploit?

If I were to not update Adobe Flash and instead used the old version (from before the Hacking Team 0-day exploit was published in the internet), in that case, would Microsoft EMET protect me from the latest Hacking Team Adobe Flash 0-day exploit?…
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How deeply is Adobe inside your Windows environment?

Well basically as an experienced user I am really afraid on the way that Adobe deeply resides into all my Windows based workstations. Basically in every machine that has some Adobe solution when we restart the explorer process (stops/start from task…
2 answers

Are there any ways to safely use Adobe Flash?

In this hot question on Gaming, the asker wants to know how to continue playing FarmVille. Answers and comments exlpain ways to do so, but no one currently has a solution that seems safe to me. Someone mentioned VMs and emulators, but I’m not…
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