Questions tagged [file-system]

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

A file system is a way of organizing information on a storage device like a computer hard drive.

201 questions
0 answers

Shared computer's disc space mysteriously filling up - worried about illegal content

I'm not an Information Security professional, just a worried layperson. A few years ago, when I was logged into my own account on a shared laptop, the disc space mysteriously kept filling up. I deleted vast amounts of videos and other large items to…
1 answer

Loop device added at package installation - is it a security threat?

I just noticed a strange loop device that was added to my machine today. It is mounted under /run/media//CENA_X86FREE_EN-US_DV9 and seems to contain Windows files, probably a Windows installer with a bit more than 4.1GB used space (directories…
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0 answers

Are there differences on how storages are formatted between different OS?

If one formats the same USB stick (or SD card) to FAT32 file system on Windows, or on Linux, or on Android - would there be differences so a forensic guy could definitely tell on which OS or even on which specific machine the USB stick was…
0 answers

Which traces leave on a flash card after using it?

If one uses a micro SD card with a card reader on Windows, or on Linux, or on Android - would there be a way so a forensic guy could definitely tell on which computer the flash card was used by examining it? I know OS can log which devices was…
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1 answer

Uploading/writing server files via SSRF?

Say I've found a perfect SSRF vulnerability in a web application that lets me send web requests to any URL, any host, any port, any scheme. I can use the file:// scheme to get the contents of local files, such as file:///C:/Windows/win.ini. I would…
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1 answer

If I move a file within the same drive or partition and then shred that file with a file shredder, would it still be recoverable?

If I move a file within the same drive or partition, suppose from one folder to another, and then shred that file with a file shredder, would it still be recoverable? Is there still some trace of that file left in the previous location it was…
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0 answers

asymmetric file system authentication

Here is how integritysetup from the cryptsetup package in Linux works. A user provides an authentication key to the OS when reading or writing data to a file system. When reading, the OS only returns a data block if it was written with the same key…
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1 answer

Unrestricted file write in Java

Would it be possible to write a file to a directory outside of the uploads folder if the $ext variable is used controlled and unrestricted? The uploads directory is empty except for the freshly created file. val file = new…
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Additional verification, sanitization for transcoded CJK paths in URLs

Suppose there is a file hosting server, and most filenames are strings with mostly CJK characters. Transmitting those characters in HTTP GET requests requires encoding them using UTF-8 (x3 overhead) then URL-encode escaping (another x3 overhead, x9…
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3 answers

How to technically introduce my boss to computer file security?

My boss truly believes that keeping files on paper and locked in his drawer is the safest place ever. He is the type of guy that processes a file in Word/Excel, prints it, delete the file and store the physical paper in his drawer. Also, he deletes…
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2 answers

Windows File Metadata Audit

As part of auditing, I have to find whether an Excel file is modified by anyone after it was created in 2018 by the original user on a Windows 7 computer. I had verified the creation, modified and accessed info available in file. All this info are…
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3 answers

How can I protect me from... myself?

So, here is the deal: I have a file I cannot change. I cannot, but I know in the future I will want to change it. It's of my understanding that it's not possible to make this file unchangeable while being root. But I want to make it so that the only…
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Does Windows log the movement of files?

If I move a file from a non-hidden encrypted drive to my main C drive, then move the original file to a hidden container on the encrypted drive, then wipe the original file with ccenhancer/secure erase, is that doing enough to ensure the original…
0 answers

Encrypt files transparently from applications

Many CLI applications store or need secrets in plaintext files. I'm searching preferably for a tool, or a methodology, to encrypt those files without the application knowing. What do I mean by that : In my ideal dream world, when some process (unix)…
1 answer

What is the best way to restrict /proc fs from malicious users (linux)?

I am trying to make a restriction to procfs like only a certain groups of members can perform read and write actions. kernel document says we can do that by setting hidepid and gid in /etc/fstab. It will restrict the malicious user from making read…