Questions tagged [file-encryption]

The process of encrypting individual files on a storage medium and permitting access to the encrypted data only after proper authentication is provided.

The process of encrypting individual files on a storage medium and permitting access to the encrypted data only after proper authentication is provided.

471 questions
4 answers

Is Changing a File Type and Name an Effective Security Solution?

Is renaming folders & files and changing file types an effective solution for file security of a PC? I am an application programmer and have an extensive background in it. I have written a robust program that renames folders and files and also…
Cody Brown
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2 answers

What trust level should I give keys I need for encryption?

As I'm encrypting server backups, I typically install my public GPG key from a keyserver into me server's keyring: gpg --search-keys 6569758F I import the key into my keyring. I then attempt to encrypt a file: gpg --encrypt --recipient 6569758F…
Naftuli Kay
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2 answers

Microsoft Office 2013 File Encryption

To what extent can the native file encryption provided by Microsoft Office 2013 (Word, Powerpoint, Excel, etc.) be relied upon to maintain the confidentiality of documents, especially within the context of a Windows OS? It also appears as though…
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4 answers

How to quickly find out what the threat nature of a password protected archive is without getting infected?

I have recently received an e-mail from an existing support group e-mail box with the following characteristics: written in the language used in company's HQ (different from English which is the primary communication language) had a zip…
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2 answers

can I trust Boxcryptor closed source software? Encryption of files for cloud hoster

Boxcryptor is not Open Source. Can I trust this? Is it secure? No government backdoor? Because there is no alternative for OS X and iOS.
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3 answers

How can I allow access to encrypted data if only 2 out of 3 users provide a secret?

I want to encrypt data, but make sure that no single user can decrypt the data. Further, it is important not to require ALL users to be present to decrypt. This will allow for some flexibility and reduce the consequences if/when secrets are lost. It…
2 answers

Ccrypt versus 7zip encryption

I'm on Debian and I have a folder, with thousands of files inside it, that has a size of about 14GB. From this folder I have created two encrypted archives: one is a password protected .7z archive, the other is a TAR archive encrypted with ccrypt…
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4 answers

TrueCrypt -vs- MacOS encrypted sparse image - equally secure? Other alternatives?

I'm currently trying to find my personal best solution for storing passwords and other sensible data. Recently I've used 1Password on iPhone and Mac but I'm not really satisfied with its predefined structure and storage scheme. So I've decided to…
7 answers

Verify the password of an encrypted file without waiting for complete decryption

I am currently working on an application that encrypts files with AES 256. The problem is that I want the user to see whether the password is wrong before the file is decrypted. For example if you want to decrypt a file that is about 1GB big it…
3 answers

Secure cleaning of deleted files

So I know how to secure delete files. But at our company, we have a laptop which had many important documents, which now have been deleted, but not in a secure way. We can't perform a full format of the disk since it would be a complex task to…
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2 answers

Security of Microsoft OneDrive

A friend asked about putting some of his data on Microsoft's OneDrive. I did some research, and what I learned seems very surprising. It appears that all the user data on MS OneDrive is store completely unencrypted (it is only temporarily encrypted…
3 answers

time to crack file-encryption password - more than just iteration

I have often seen that takes x amount of time to crack a certain length password. But this just seems to be the amount of time it takes to iterate through all the possibilities. What about the time it takes to check each iteration to see if it…
5 answers

Could ransomware be stalled while encrypting?

I have been reading about ransomware, and I was wondering if it could be defended against by having certain "trap" files on a drive. Sometimes I look through Code Golf and am thoroughly impressed by some of the solutions posted, some of which I…
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3 answers

Encrypted password inside compressed archive

File compression utilities like Winrar or ZIP or 7zip encrypt the password and store it inside the archive. How safe is that? I mean you are giving away the archive with the password inside,it's not like authenticating against a web site where the…
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1 answer

PDF file encrypted with my password, does that mean my password is stored in plaintext?

Every month, I receive an encrypted Portable Document Format (PDF) file with my payslip. I can open the file for reading with my password. Without providing my password, I cannot open the file at all. Does that mean whoever created the PDF file…
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