Questions tagged [deanonymization]

37 questions
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How can someone using public wifi be deanonymized?

Say someone wants to send a document overseas while living in a hostile country. He uses tor over public wifi. What are some ways he can be tracked if he uses a burner laptop and public wifi? Few ways I can think of: CCTV cameras or people looking…
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Nym Perfect Forward Secrecy

I recently heard about the Nym mixnet and am researching it and the Sphinx packet format. So far it looks promising, but there is one thing I'm unsure of. Networks like Tor use ephemeral keys to limit the length of time an adversary could compel…
1 answer

Can ISP deanonymize Telegram public channel creators?

In a Telegram public channel, all messages are public, send by the channel creators and contain a timestamp. Suppose I am an ISP. Can I analyse the traffic of all my clients and decide if they are sending a Telegram message? (assume they don't use…
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Do VPNs have upstream ISPs that log traffic (making VPN claims of having strict no-log policies pointless)?

Most VPNs claim to adhere to a strict no-log policy, but these claims are typically unproven and/or even downright false. For instance, if the VPN says they collect absolutely no logs, how will they know whether a subscriber has used all of the…
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are some IP whois capable of going beyond proxies?

I received a suspicious email (suspicious body) coming from a legit person. The headers always show the legit adress as if the person in question has been hacked. But I wanted to go further and checked for the originating IP. In my first whois query…
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Break anonymity in a Kippo honeypot

I've installed a Kippo honeypot on my server and I wanted to know if there are some tools I can launch to collect more information about the cracker. I want more information to be able to start some forensics stuff.
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How to release a safe anonymous social network graph (raw data)?

There are multiple papers published by Arvind and Vitaly (De-anonymising social network) and other papers about de-anonymising social networks. In short, they used a network graph to deanonymise an anonymous network graph with some known seeds.…
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Deanonymising social networks

I've come across this paper about "De-anonymizing Social Networks". The goal is to use Flickr network to de-anonymise Twitter's anonymous network, but the experiment section doesn't seem to be right. At section 6 Experiment, the author crawled the…
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Tor Hidden Service In-Depth Questions

I've recently learned much more about Tor hidden service, thanks to this post, and its answers. But I am still wondering about a few small tid-bits... As said in the linked post: Q: If a hidden services IP is hidden, how is it possible to connect to…
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Deanonymizing Tor circuit by having access to all the circuit's relays

Given you have access to THE NETWORKING (not the devices, just their networking, as if you were their ISP) of all the 3 relays that a circuit is using, could you time-correlate all the nodes of the circuit, as in would they connect at the same time,…
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What is using timing and cryptotext length for deanonymization called?

Alice and Bob are communicating frequently via an encrypted overlay network. Eve can observe the timing and length of Alice's and Bob's incoming and outgoing ip traffic, but cannot read their ciphertexts. Additionally, the overlay network prevents…
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Is it possible to detect a Telegram user by sniffing traffic?

Here's the article from the Belarusian website, it is an interview with a former member of dictator Lukashenko band (so-called Chief Organized Crime and Corruption Fighting Directorate). And he told how they used to detect Telegram…
Gino Pane
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Could an OS or app store and send my old IP after I start using a VPN?

If I connect to a VPN, go to some websites, post something or browse something, is it possible for my OS (Windows 10) in this case to: Store my IP before I connected to the VPN, say "old IP". Get my new IP after I connect. Send both to some servers…
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Can global adversaries 'de-anonymize' any Tor user in a day?

Tor traffic correlation attacks by global adversaries I know what traffic correlation attack is but I find it hard to understand this article or how it got to its conclusions about 'de-anonymize' 'typical web user' who use Tor within a day just with…
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What is the relationship between cookies and anonymity?

If you are using a vpn for anonymity you can allow cookies when you surf the internet but you must delete them once you close the browser to get complete anonymity. Is this correct? Or is it that just allowing cookies removes anonymity?
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