Questions tagged [data-remanence]
21 questions
1 answer
Wiping an SSD with Parted Magic seemed too quick
I'm selling a computer with an SSD (it's a Lenovo ThinkPad Carbon X1). I wiped the drive using Parted Magic. I used the ATA method. I'm not sure what that is but it was the only setting available. It said it would take two minutes but the wipe was…

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10 answers
Would it be good secure programming practice to overwrite a "sensitive" variable before deleting it?
Is it good secure programming practice to overwrite sensitive data stored in a variable before it is deleted (or goes out of scope)? My thought is that it would prevent a hacker from being able to read any latent data in RAM due to data-remanence. …

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1 answer
Does WinRAR leave traces of temporarily extracted files?
If I have an encrypted RAR file which will only open using a password, and I opened a file directly from within WinRAR by double clicking the file inside WinRAR, I assume that WinRAR will create a temporary version somewhere in the drive (temp…

Nean Der Thal
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2 answers
Is Data Remanence a Myth?
Possible Duplicate:
Why is writing zeros (or random data) over a hard drive multiple times better than just doing it once?
Multiple overwrites have often been discussed as a secure way of erasing data. Some people say that the only way to…

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2 answers
Ensure data doesn't linger after being deleted
I'm trying to make a service that keeps as little data on its users as possible. To that end, I want to make sure that someone using forensic tools won't gain any more information than I would by looking at my database or filesystem. In other words,…

Nick ODell
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1 answer
Should a secure ATA erase be performed on a non-SSD drive?
When running the command hdparm -I /dev/sda the following output is generated.
ATA device, with non-removable media
Model Number: WDC WD10JPVX-75JC3T0
Serial Number: WX51A9324970

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2 answers
What is the current EU standard for data destruction?
I have been hunting around for a couple of weeks trying to find what the current standards for sensitive data destruction in the EU/UK are.
If you look at the destruction companies they have several answers BS EN: 15713:2009 comes up a lot, but so…

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3 answers
How to erase as much as possible an SSD without ATA Secure Erase?
The question is almost completely answered. However, more details are still needed. See Update 2 down here.
I've learnt that the ATA Secure Erase is uncorrectly implemented in SSDs (sources are down here), but I'm still willing to find a way to…

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8 answers
Overwriting hard drive to securely delete a file?
I am working on a computer that I am not allowed to install new software on. It does not have secure delete software installed. Suppose I have a file (or files) that are sensitive that I'd like to delete and prevent (or make it very difficult) to…

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1 answer
Is GNU shred relevant for SSDs?
The Gutmann method, which apparently is used by GNU shred, has appeared in 1996, which focused on finding random 5 to 31 patterns and taking into account particular magnetic encoding. Considering that now we have SSDs, I'm guessing that Gutmann…

Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy
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1 answer
Is data-remanence a concern in RAM?
I know data-remanence is a concern on hard drives, but is it a concern on RAM? For example, once a program completes, is its data still available on RAM, just as data on a hard drive remains after being deleted?
Edit: In this case, I am not as…

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2 answers
What are the benefits of having multiple overwriting patterns for secure deletion?
When installing a new AIX server, there is a possibility to use several patterns for secure deletion.
My question: Is it necessary to use several patterns? What is the benefit from having several ones?

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5 answers
How to securely sanitize data tapes, and audit the results?
I work at an electronics recycling facility and we were just presented with an offer from a client that would like to buy our used data tapes. Our problem is that we have never sanitized data tapes as we have only shredded them in the past. I need…

Rolly Aponte
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2 answers
Is there a way to guarantee removal of data after closing Facebook / Gmail / Dropbox account?
Of course my default way of thinking is: deleted: true while keeping all the data in place.
In fact I would be interested in knowing what standard operating procedures are in place for retention of personal data. Or maybe I shall write directly to…

Mars Robertson
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2 answers
Is corrupting the ciphertext corruption a good erasure?
Normally when you wipe a drive there are still ghost remains of the data even after overwriting the disk multiple times. So I was wondering if you could encrypt the drive and then overwrite the encrypted data, would it be possible to recover any…

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