Questions tagged [data-recovery]

For questions generally relating to recovery of "plain" data from digital storage, when that storage has been damaged or the credentials securing it are lost.

Data recovery is usually required in one of two cases:

  • Data was stored in a persistent mechanism such as a magnetic medium or flash memory, and that storage media has become damaged so that it cannot be read normally.

  • Data was stored in an obfuscated state, such as having been encrypted, and the key or credentials needed to recover the data have been lost.

In IT Security, questions asked are usually concerned with the second reason; recovery of data from an encrypted or hashed state (questions relating to recovery of data from damaged storage are usually asked on the Super User or Server Fault SE sites). This goal is usually frustrated by the very purpose of such methods; to make it infeasibly difficult to obtain the "plaintext" from the "ciphertext" or "hash".

Some common data encryption systems, especially those used to protect user accounts, have some sort of recovery option built in. This "back door" is designed to allow an administrator an alternate way to retrieve the data using their own credentials or other high-level secrets. However, many systems that place a primary emphasis on account or data security, provide only one efficient way to retrieve the data; know the password. Without a "back door", administrators or other "white hats" attempting to get the data for innocent purposes are limited to using the same "attacks" that someone with nefarious goals would have: "brute-force" cracking, or any documented attacks on the specific encryption scheme used by the system.

186 questions
0 answers

What is the legislation (if any) behind self-employment Data Recovery/Destruction?

I am a self-employed technical advisor of about 2 years, and have run into a dilemma: Legislation for Data Destruction and Recovery. Throughout my career, I've been asked many questions regarding the matter, and have had to turn down some aspects…
1 answer

If SSDs cannot be securely wiped then why can't we recover files after crypto virus attack?

It is my understanding that SSDs do not allow user to overwrite any specific file completely (wear-leveling). So in case of ransomware attack such as CryptoLocker, doesn't that mean there is still, always, an unencrypted copy of file on the disk? If…
Mr. Engineer
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1 answer

Can data be stored anywhere else on a MacBook besides the SSD?

Imagine the following scenario: There exist all kinds of information on my SSD. Now I take away the SSD of my MacBook Pro, replace it, and reboot. I should have a MacBook that is on factory settings, right? I am wondering if there is any way, or…
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How do I recover a deleted file too large to go to recycle bin?

I mistakenly deleted a very important 50 gb file from my 1 tb hard drive, and the file was too big to go to recycle bin. How do I recover it?
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1 answer

Can a hacker recover deleted files from my mobile drive?

I deleted some files from my phone (android 5). Can a hacker recover my files?
2 answers

Is it possible to break any encryption by knowing the data that was encrypted?

I have very basic Idea about encryption/decryption and was wondering if we can break any encryption using this method. By break I mean to retrieve the encrypted data and the key.Possibly finding solution for ransomware. to let the software attack…
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