Questions tagged [data-recovery]

For questions generally relating to recovery of "plain" data from digital storage, when that storage has been damaged or the credentials securing it are lost.

Data recovery is usually required in one of two cases:

  • Data was stored in a persistent mechanism such as a magnetic medium or flash memory, and that storage media has become damaged so that it cannot be read normally.

  • Data was stored in an obfuscated state, such as having been encrypted, and the key or credentials needed to recover the data have been lost.

In IT Security, questions asked are usually concerned with the second reason; recovery of data from an encrypted or hashed state (questions relating to recovery of data from damaged storage are usually asked on the Super User or Server Fault SE sites). This goal is usually frustrated by the very purpose of such methods; to make it infeasibly difficult to obtain the "plaintext" from the "ciphertext" or "hash".

Some common data encryption systems, especially those used to protect user accounts, have some sort of recovery option built in. This "back door" is designed to allow an administrator an alternate way to retrieve the data using their own credentials or other high-level secrets. However, many systems that place a primary emphasis on account or data security, provide only one efficient way to retrieve the data; know the password. Without a "back door", administrators or other "white hats" attempting to get the data for innocent purposes are limited to using the same "attacks" that someone with nefarious goals would have: "brute-force" cracking, or any documented attacks on the specific encryption scheme used by the system.

186 questions
1 answer

Retention of IP Address

What is the point of a website deleting IP address logs after a certain period of time? As far as I know, deleted data can be recovered easily, or is there some catch here?
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Detecting old file extension name of corrupted file

For example, someone corrupted the file before deleting it. I opened a Word file via vim, or leafpad and deleted information & then changed the file extension to mp4. And then deleted it. How can I know that this mp4 file was a .doc some times…
Doe J
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2 answers

where is data that was not completely received and can it be recovered?

when a server is receiving data from another computer, lets say that that data transmission was incomplete, and half of the file was sent. now where is this stored on a computer and is it stored on the main storage. basically what i want to ask is:…
1 answer

Are there any real life scenarios where usage of the Gutmann method is appropriate?

Peter Gutmann himself wrote the following: If you're using a drive which uses encoding technology X, you only need to perform the passes specific to X, and you never need to perform all 35 passes. For any modern PRML/EPRML drive, a few passes …
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Flash drive returning odd files, and self creating others, any ideas?

I was sanitising a USB drive and after wiping it I ran Recuva to check the results. It finds a file called [000001].flv which is 113MB. The file starts with FLV and then the data looks random, certainly is not an FLV file. So I delete the file and…
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How to store and open files without making them recoverable?

I would like to store and work with some files but simply set a password to my Windows account isn't enough as the hard drive can be removed and the files can be recovered. I am wondering if I create an encrypted container with for example…
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Resetting password for stored encrypted data

I'm designing a system to hold protected user objects, potentially using their passwords as in this article Encrypting sensitive data in software and storing/decrypting it on a server. When a user forgets their password, I need a method to reset…
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2 answers

Chances of recovery of data from iPhone 5s if memory has been overwritten 35 times?

Use the app 'shredit!' and do the 35 time overwrite. Then you fill the phone with unnecessary data and then reset it to factory settings and erase. What are the chances of recovery of data that was stored one year ago?
2 answers

Is data in iPhone "spare" flash memory also encrypted and shredded?

First I'd like to ask is flash memory used in an iPhone? If yes then please answer my next question. Flash memory uses wear levelling (changing the physical location on the memory of a logical location) to maximise lifetime. Most flash has some…
1 answer

does filling phone memory overwrite all previous data

I'd like to ask a question. Does filling phone memory with junk data actually overwrite all previous data. Just in case I would like to say that I'm asking for android and iphone memory. And is eeprom used in these phone or flash memory? ps i also…
0 answers

Recovering a VeraCrypt Volume

I have a VeraCrypt volume which I mistakenly restored header of the volume using the backup embedded in the volume itself. It says that this process also restores the old password if exist. But I have never changed my password. So I had no problem…
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0 answers

Accessible data when hard-drive is encrypted

I recently acquired a new computer so I decided to try a few things, such as disk-encryption (fir the record, I installed Ubuntu 15.10, made only one partition, wiping everything that was here). I ran across the problem that the random password I…
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2 answers

How likely is it to find valuable information in the slack space of a workstation?

I just read about slack space which is the unused space at the end of a sector. This space is unused in some sectors when either the file itself is smaller then the sector or the sector contains the end of a file, which is likely to not fill the…
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Dealing with password vault recovery after a catastrophic failure as a home user

I had a dinner with some friends today, and I mentioned that I use 1Password combined with Dropbox to manage my password. One of them then remarked something which I actually hadn't considered: because both my Dropbox password and the password for…
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Is it possible to recover a Diskcryptor volume password?

Must admit to being dumb: I have encrypted one partition from my external hard drive with the AES-Twofish-Serpent algorithm and used a key file with a password. My PC ran into a problem and now the file is empty. This was a year ago, and now I need…
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