Questions tagged [certificates]

A piece of data used in public key cryptography (specifically public key infrastructures) that contains identifying information (i.e. email address or web address), a hash of a public key, and a digital signature that authenticates the data in the certificate. For questions specifically about [x509], [certificate-authority], or [public-key-infrastructure], please use those tags.

Also commonly known as a digital certificate, a certificate is a piece of data issued by a Certificate Authority for the purpose of associating a public key with a person, account, organization, or machine.

Most certificates are in the X.509 format, defined in RFC2459, though there are other less-used formats, such as the EAC Certificate format for Electronic Travel Documents (aka "ePassports").

Certificates are most commonly used for server authentication during the TLS handshake by allowing the server to issue trusted signatures, though certificates are also commonly used in corporate and governmental settings for signing and encrypting email and other documents, as well as in embedded chips in smartcards and ID badges for providing physical and logical access to computer systems and restricted locations.

2751 questions
5 answers

Are there any downsides to using Let's Encrypt for a website's SSL certificates?

On the advantages side, I see several benefits to using the Let's Encrypt service (e.g., the service is free, easy to setup, and easy to maintain). I'm wondering what, if any, are the disadvantages to using Let's Encrypt? Any reasons why website…
10 answers

Why do we not trust an SSL certificate that expired recently?

Every SSL certificate has an expiration date. Now suppose some site's certificate expired an hour ago or a day ago. All the software by default will either just refuse to connect to the site or issue security warnings. This recently happened to…
4 answers

Should I revoke no longer used Let's Encrypt certificates before destroying them?

The Let's Encrypt documentation recommends that when a certificate’s corresponding private key is no longer safe, you should revoke the certificate. But should you do the same if there are no indications that the key is compromised, but you no…
12 answers

How feasible is it for a CA to be hacked? Which default trusted root certificates should I remove?

This question has been revised & clarified significantly since the original version. If we look at each trusted certificate in my Trusted Root store, how much should I trust them? What factors should be taken into consideration when I evaluate the…
4 answers

What prevents me from buying a SSL certificate for a domain I don't control?

Can I simply build a webserver, make its hostname "", create a CSR off that server, and send that to a Certificate Authority for signing? Let's say I pick the cheapest and dodgiest outfit I can find. Will that work? What mechanisms are in…
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4 answers

SSL Certificate framework 101: How does the browser actually verify the validity of a given server certificate?

(Sorry I know this is a complete noob question and at the risk of posting a somewhat duplicate topic. I have a basic understanding of public/private key, hashing, digital signature... I have been searching online & stack forum last couple days but…
5 answers

Are all SSL Certificates equal?

After running a few tests from Qualsys' SSL Labs tool, I saw that there were quite significant rating differences between a GoDaddy and VeriSign certificate that I have tested against. Are all SSL certificates from different providers equal? If not,…
Kyle Rosendo
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2 answers

What is the difference between serial number and thumbprint?

I have problems to understand what is the difference between the serial number of a certificate and its SHA1 hash. The MSDN says: Serial number A number that uniquely identifies the certificate and is issued by the certification…
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2 answers

Why would I choose SHA-256 over SHA-512 for a SSL/TLS certificate?

I'm looking to renew an SSL (okay, TLS) wildcard certificate with a well-known service. I need to provide a CSR, which I have created using a 2048-bit key. I also need to choose a signature hash. The service offers three choices: SHA-256, SHA-384,…
Joel Coehoorn
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ssltest: Chain issues - Contains anchor

I've run ssltest on web application and it found "Chain issues - Contains anchor" (section "Additional Certificates (if supplied)") What does it mean? Should it be fixed? Can it be exploited?
Andrei Botalov
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1 answer

Is Starbucks spoofing me?

When I connected to Starbucks's Wi-Fi, I got a security alert from MS Outlook that looks like this: I looked up, but there's no mention of this thing anywhere. This does not appear when I use my mobile, home, or work Internet.…
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6 answers

Should I reject a CSR when the host emailed me the private key for SSL certificate request?

I just requested a CSR from my shared web hosting provider, to generate a certificate which I will send back to them to install. (The certificate itself is to be generated properly by an organisation I work for who can provide certificates for our…
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1 answer

How can Kazakhstan perform MITM attacks on all HTTPS traffic?

There is now MITM on HTTPS traffic in Kazakhstan. But for MITM to work, other than installing the certificate, there has to be someone proxying the request, right? Will that role be played by the ISPs? Say I want to connect to Facebook. Does the…
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2 answers

What's the difference between X.509 and PKCS#7 Certificate?

Am I correct calling file with .p7b file extension saved as 'Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard - PKCS#7 Certificates (.P7B)' in Windows - a 'PKCS#7 certificate'? Or is it better called 'X.509 certificate saved in PKCS#7 format'? When would one…
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4 answers

Understanding 2048 bit SSL and 256 bit encryption

On DigiCert's page, they advertise a 2048 bit SSL with a 256 bit encryption: What exactly is the difference here and why are two encryption bits being referenced? Here's a screenshot of the…
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