Questions tagged [black-box]

23 questions
1 answer

Correlation between server request and response time and built-in php functions

Is there any way to identify which built-in PHP function is used in some given script only by sending a request and receiving a response from the remote server? To keep it simple we might assume that it is very simple PHP script which contains only…
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Is creating secondary account on Black-Box Pentest Forbidden?

Okay, so here it goes. I am the Red Team Lead, and as described earlier; not far (like about a week), I posted this. At the time, I was looking for a beautiful technical title which could match down my findings. I mentioned it as 'Weak Password…
Shritam Bhowmick
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Using timeouts to automatically detect blind sql injection exploits

I'm working on a penetration testing tool, and I have error-based sql injection pretty much covered, but I was wondering, is it possible to use timeouts, along with built in sql commands to detect an issue? In the application DVWA, I attempted the…
1 answer

How strict should I be in rejecting unexpected HTTP request parameters redux?

I read this: How strict should I be in rejecting unexpected query parameters? Answer: No, do not error out on unexpected query string parameters. But I just got a requirement from our security guy that I must do so. Not only for unexpected query…
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How to find a website behind a Firewall?

Some context for my question: I'm currently studying Information Security, and this is for an assignment from my teacher. For my assignment, I received two IP addresses. I did a port scan with nmap and saw that both of these IP addresses pointed at…
1 answer

How to preform black-box (no source) vulnerability testing/fuzzing?

How would I (or) what software would I use to conduct local application (stored on the PC) black-box (no source/closed source) fuzzing or vulnerability testing for Windows? I've just been using common sense, like using negative numbers and such,…
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2 answers

Forcing a black box to register a ssl cerificate

I have in my home a proprietary device, which I took an interest to see what it does over the network. I first determined his Ip on my network, and the port used to pass http/s requests, then arp spoofed him to my mitmproxy server. After this setup…
1 answer

Struggling to profile the query behind a SQLi vulnerability

I'm black-box pen testing a colleague's website for common vulnerabilities (mainly concerned with OWASP's top 10). I've found a SQL injection vulnerability in a form since the use of special characters in one of the form field's values returns…